

德國聯邦檢察院指控,今年55歲的華人醫師John Zhou,原名為周超英,自2005年底起,向中共“610辦公室”連續幾年提供法輪功學員的信息,觸犯了德國刑法第99條,犯有間諜罪。




聯邦檢察院在起訴書中說,周超英2005年底,與中共駐德使館領事部參贊湯文娟在柏林會面,並表示願意幫助中共“解決與法輪功的問題”。2006年3月,湯文娟安排周超英和三名中共“610組織”成員,在柏林市中心的Park Inn酒店見面。在這次會議中,確定了一名叫陳斌(音譯)的“610”高官為周超英的主管。隨後,周超英每週都會通過skype與陳斌通幾次電話,並將他在德國法輪功學員郵件組裡收到的郵件,轉發到陳斌指定的一個郵箱裡。








Chinese Spy Punished in Germany

German court sentenced Chinese 610 spy
working for Beijing, for the first time on June 8.
The accused Zhou Chaoying has violated the law,
spying on overseas Falun Gong practitioners.
He was given a 2-year suspended sentence
and was fined €15,000. Due to this case,
Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) 610 Office,
the core task force established to persecute
Falun Gong practitioners, is exposed in Germany.

German Federal Procurator accused John Zhou, 55,
a Chinese doctor originally named Zhou Chaoying,
for spying for the CCP since the end of 2005,
and for providing info on Falun Gong to 610 Office.
As he violated Article 99 of German Penal Code
he has committed the crime of espionage.

Germany’s Niedersachsen State Superior Court
started to try John Zhou on May 26, 2011.
He was given a 2-year suspended sentence,
fined €15,000 and given a warning, on June 8.

The info provided by Zhou to the 610 Office included
Falun Gong practitioners personal information
and servers’ passwords, so CCP could eavesdrop
conversations and monitor activities in Germany.

Zhou collected info on the French company Eutelsat
which cut off NTD’s broadcast signal to China,
as well as on the European Parliament’ discussion
on this issue. He wrote 100+ pages on a so-called
“Falun Gong organization report” for the 610 Office.

The prosecutor said in the indictment, in late 2005,
Zhou met Chinese Consul Tang Wenjuan in Berlin
and offered to help “solve the Falun Gong problem.”
In March 2006, through Tang’s arrangements,
Zhou met three members of the 610 Office
at Berlin’s Park Inn Hotel. High-ranking officer
Chen Bin became Zhou’s boss. Afterwards,
Zhou would talk with Chen several times a week
on Skype and forward emails from Falun Gong
practitioners to a designated email account.

Zhou admitted in his testimony that he forwarded
a lot of German Falun Gong internal e-mails.
Zhou argued that his intention was to “influence”
the CCP leadership to reduce the persecution,
through his contact with Chen.

The prosecutor believed Zhou had “overestimated"
his influence, which was “unrealistic" and “absurd,"
and Zhou was not motivated by altruism.
His contact with 610 officials was for personal gain,
at least for being able to get entry visas to China.

After Zhou’s first meeting with 610 agents in 2006,
Germany’s counterintelligence agency has been
carrying out an investigation on him for 4 years.
He was repeatedly warned to stop working for CCP.
However, in April 2010, Zhou flew to Shanghai again
to meet with his Chinese spy supervisors.

The prosecutor said, Falun Dafa Association
is an officially registered organization in Germany,
with many of its members being German citizens.
It is Germany’s obligation to protect its citizens’ rights.
The prosecutor emphasized that acts of espionage
must not be condoned and should be exposed.

Falun Gong’ Spokesperson Zhang Erping told NTD
that this incident proved CCP’s espionage activities
on Falun Gong have extended overseas.

Zhang Erping: “We call on the international
community to focus on this matter,
as CCP’s espionage activities towards Falun Gong
happen in many places. We want to advise
the persecutors of Falun Gong and those that spy
on Falun Gong that good and evil will be repaid.
Eventually, you will be judged by history.”

NTD reporters Shang Yan and Wang Mingyu
