
【新唐人2011年4月23日訊】儘管中國國民生產總值超越日本成為全球第二大經濟體,但最新的美國蓋洛普健康調查(Gallup Wellbeing Survey)卻讓人大出意外。調查結果顯示,大多數中國人感覺並不幸福,情緒都很低落。下面,我們就來看看這項調查的結果。








《中國日報》報導,中國的基尼係數(Gini coefficient)最近幾年一直上升,正逼近0.5,高得令人擔憂。顯示中國的貧富差距非常巨大。








Survey: Chinese “Struggling to survive”

China’s annual GDP has outnumbered Japan
and became the second biggest in the world,
however, a recent Survey surprisingly showed
that most Chinese felt depressed and unhappy.
Let’s take a close look at it.

April 21, an article in Wall Street Journal said,
Gallup Wellbeing Survey showed that only
12% Chinese felt their lives are improving.
71% felt they are struggling to survive.
17% felt they lives are very miserable.
That is to say, 88% Chinese felt unhappy.

We interviewed residents randomly from
developed cities like Beijing and Shanghai,
and found that they are indeed
not satisfied with their lives.

Shanghai Residents: I should be classified
in the 17% very miserable people.
The forcible dismantle of my housing
created lots of inconvenience for me,
day-to-day living are affected and
I see no end to the suffering.

Beijing Resident: My retirement pension is
only a little more than one thousand.
Do you think that can cover my grocery bills?
prices raised so much, while salaries not,
Or not rise as quickly as prices

GuangXi Writer Jing Chu: I think I am one
Of those 70%. I am a writer or to say,
intellectual writer. There is deep rooted
fear to everything I say and write,
I must repeatedly self-inspected,
afraid that some sentence might put me
Behind bars.

Meanwhile, China’s GDP has surpassed Japan
and became the no. 2 economy power in the world.

Beijing Residents: I don’t trust them, that’s
all fake. People are living in hardship.
The Open-door Policy claimed to be allowing
some people to get rich. Who got rich?
That we should ask those officials, because
only they got rich.

China Daily reports that, China’s Gini Coefficient
Number have kept on rising in recent years
and is now reaching 0.5, which shows
the huge gap between rich and poor, making it
a reason for deep concerns.

A report in Wall Street Journal also
compared China with other countries.
12% of people felt their lives
are improving,which was similar to
the situation in Afghan and Yemen in 2010,
before the democratic revolution.

71% people “struggling to survive” is of little
difference with the situation in Haiti, Azerbaijan
and Nepal. 17% people felt very miserable, which
is even higher ratio than Sudan, Pakistan and Iraq.

Then, why did China not have a revolution
like what happened in Middle East?

GuangXi Wrtier JING Chu:
Decades of brainwashing, education indoctrinated
by CCP has confused people’s mind.
The slavery and terrorist ruling has deprived
people of their conscience and courage,
so that their state of mind is very different
from people living in a normal society.
Most people only care about how to make a living,
and care about today, not tomorrow.

JING Chu believes, China as a nation suffered
too much.
China now needs some spiritual leader,
inspiring popular ideas accepted by most and
politicians to realize it.
This is the only way, the country could
move forward.

Gallup, an US mathematician, inventor for
Sampling Survey, founded his American Institute for
Public Opinion( Gallup Poll) in 1935, which was
the first scientific surveying company.
Now it has developed into an international leading
company in public opinion research.

NTD Reporters CHANG Chun, LI Jing and Xiao Yu。
