【禁聞】港媒:徐才厚癌症惡化 庭審推遲


【新唐人2015年01月19日訊】港媒:徐才厚癌症惡化 庭審推遲



香港成立青少年軍 議員憂洗腦












Hong Kong Media: Xu Caihou Critically Ill; Trial Still Pending

Former Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission

Xu Caihou, had been transferred to prosecution for months.

The trial of Xu is still pending.

The latest issue of Hong Kong’s Trends magazine said,

the CCP military court had scheduled Xu’s trial for Jan.12.

However, the hospital gave notice of critical illness for Xu

as his cancer grew worse. The trial was thus suspended.

Pan-democracy Criticizes Founding “H K Army Cadets Association"

Another Brainwashing Attempt

As the Occupy Central movement was brought to an end,

the Hong Kong government recently founded

an organization called “Hong Kong Army Cadets Association".

Three honorary patrons of the association are, PLA

Hong Kong Garrison Commander, Tan Benhong,

CCP Liaison Office Director, Zhang Xiaoming, and

Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying.

Leung’s wife becomes head of the new cadet group.

According to the BBC’s Chinese website, the inauguration

ceremony was held in a barrack of Garrison troops on Jan.18.

Only designated media were given permission of entry

to the event.

Chang Chen-shiung, New Territories South Regional Director

of Hong Kong Road Safety Patrol, told other media that

the cadet group aims to educate members with patriotism

toward China and Hong Kong.

However, Pan-democracy council members presented

their different opinions toward the group.

A RFI report quoted Dr. Chan Ka-lok, an elected legislative

council member of the Civil Party.

Chan cricitized that, after failure in promoting the Moral and

National Education plan, Leung was trying other methods

to brainwash Hong Kong’s adolescents.

According to the RFI report, Chan described the incident

as “extremely dangerous".

Chan suggested parents and their children say “NO" to

such groups with clear political purposes.

“Otherwise you will get into trouble", said Chan.

Alex Chow Says “Arrest by Appointment" Aims to Create Chilling Effects

Hong Kong police continue the “arrest by appointment"

campaign against activists.

On Jan.18, Secretary-general of the Hong Kong Federation

of Students Alex Chow and the vice Secretary-general

Lester Shum, visited police headquarters.

They both refused bail but were unconditionally

released soon afterwards.

After release, Chow told media that “arrest by appointment"

is not necessary if the police have enough evidence

for prosecution.

Chow thus questions the move is a “public show",

aiming at creating White Horror effects.

Lester Shum also confirmed that the police do not

have enough material for prosecution.

The so-called “arrest by appointment" is to create trouble

for and suppress leaders of the “umbrella movement"

by putting constraints on their freedom;

on the other hand, the Police Commissioner Tsang Wai Hung

makes the move in response to requests

by Beijing and Leung, said Shum.

Edit/Zhou Yulin
