




大陸權利運動家胡軍:「我們現在還不是說的『信上不信下』的問題了,現在就是徹底中共就沒有任何信可言了,上訪可以這樣說,它不是說他信上面,而是說他沒有其他的途徑,來表達這種訴求。 還有說一個『信法』的問題,中共它本體制就是一個踐踏法律的體制,特別是夏俊峰的案子我們可以看到,它就是對中國平民百姓進行殺戮。」






朱欣欣:「中國的輿論一直缺乏規範性和正常性,就是和官方操縱輿論有關係,它越操縱,老百姓越是不相信它們,它們這個體制運作越不公開透明,老百姓就越相信這些傳言。 只要存在官方的壟斷,它對言論的壟斷、對輿論的壟斷,那百姓就不會相信官方的種種宣傳和說法。」



採訪編輯/ 張天宇 後製/蕭宇

China’s Blue Book: People Trust The Internet

Rather Than The Communist Party

China’s latest Blue Book said that the development

of social media affects the regime’s credibility.

In Mainland China, people would rather trust Internet

information than the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

The Blue Book suggests the regime strengthen propaganda

work and control of public opinion on the Internet.

Commentators said that the Blue Book is trying to

find excuses for recent online suppression.

If not the so-called “online cleaning out" campaign which is

condemned by international society and the entire nation

will be hard to continue.

The regime’s media China News reported on Sept. 26, Beijing

officially published the 2013 Blue Book of Social Institution.

The report listed 10 urgent issues that need to be resolved

in China’s urbanization process.

It includes social management, channel for public appeal,

regime’s credibility, floating population and other issues.

Regarding characters of public opinion, the Blue Book said

from what had happened in recent years that sometimes,

the public fall into a circle “rather rely on higher authority to

solve problems;

They rather believe in violence than the law.

They rather believe online news than the CCP."

Regarding these points, people said the CCP is the main cause.

China’s activist Hu Jun: “We are not talking about not trusting

a higher authority, actually the CCP is completely untrustworthy.

People try to appeal to a higher authority; it doesn’t mean they

trust them, but there is no other way for them.

Regarding the law, the CCP is violating it. With Xia Junfeng’s

case we know the law is a tool for killing Chinese citizens."

Hu said the CCP officials help each other. The judiciary is

corrupt, peoples’ appeals are blocked everywhere.

Civilians have to appeal to higher authority step by step,

or protest in the street for their mistreatment to be heard.

Now the most popular channel is via the internet

to expose corrupt officials.

Hu Jun:"Anyone can express their wishes online.

It is just the right way to collapse the CCP dictatorship.

It causes the CCP’s lies to shatter, people use the social

networks to share their hardships, ideas and complaints."

The Blue Book said that the social networks and

social media developed very fast.

It made big bloggers and online promoters rapidly

grow from a low class.

The bottom line of social consensus is adjusted.

All these changes have brought great challenges

to the regime’s credibility.

Zhu Xinxin, former editor of Hebei Radio Station:"To get to

solve the problem of 'spreading rumors' about social affairs,

the regime must operate transparency. They must achieve this

point, meanwhile they need to be fair and equitable.

Now officials lack transparency and fairness in many practices.

People can only trust informal channels,

such as rumors and gossips, it is inevitable."

The Blue Book also said to improve the regime’s credibility,

it needs to develop effective channels and guide publicity to

build up its credibility again. However, these words were

refuted by the public.

Zhu Xinxin:"Chinese public opinion lacks standards and

formality. This relates to the regime’s manipulation.

The more the regime manipulates, the less people will believe it.

The more opaque the CCP system the more people will believe

in rumors.

As long as the regime’s monopoly exists, and it controls public

opinion and expression, people won’t believe the propaganda."

Regarding virtual community management, Blue Book stressed

that online expression is the first virtual community environment.

Online information content relates to the society’s harmony and


The Blue Book suggests the regime strengthens supervision,

improves Internet legislation, and strengthen the development

and guidance of the public opinion aspect.

Commentators point out that the purpose of the Blue Book is

trying to find a legal explanation and excuse for the recent

suppression of online expression.
