






因雅虎郵件入獄 師濤提前獲釋


今年45歲的師濤是詩人、記者和獨立中文筆會的會員,擔任過湖南《當代商報》的編輯。2004年「六四」前夕,師濤通過「雅虎」郵箱,將一份中共禁止媒體報導紀念「六四」 天安門屠殺事件的文件,發給美國紐約一家網站的編輯。同年11月,師濤被捕,2005年4月,中共當局以「向境外提供國家機密罪」,判處師濤10年刑期,證據就是這封用「雅虎」郵箱發出的郵件。



9月7號,一名疑似醉酒駕駛導致意外的香港男子,在被警察盤問時,態度囂張的向警察說,「我是共產黨」 ,希望警察手下留情。不過警察毫不買帳的說:「那又怎樣?我是香港警察。」事後這名「共產黨員」被拘捕。



10-Year-Old Chinese Prisoner of Conscience Safely Arrives in US

Anhui dissident Zhang Lin’s 10-year-old daughter,

Zhang Anni, arrived in the US on September 7.

Anni had been detained by Chinese

authorities, and rejected by her school.

Voice of America reported that Anni and her elder sister

Zhang Ruli arrived into San Francisco International Airport.

They were welcomed by Women’s Rights Without

Frontiers (WRWF), and other human rights organizations.

Their successful arrival was through the work

and effort of were under helped by WRWF,

women’s groups and other dissidents in China.

Anni, known as the youngest “prisoner of conscience”,

was punished because of her father’s activism.

She couldn’t enroll at any primary schools.

Some dissidents held hunger

strikes to appeal for her education.

Shi Tao Jailed in China Over Yahoo Email is Now Free

Chinese journalist Shi Tao, was sentenced to jail after Yahoo

leaked information about his email to the Chinese regime.

On August 23, Shi was freed, 15

months before the end of his sentence.

On September 7, a London-based writer’s

group announced the news on their website.

Shi Tao, 45, was a journalist, poet, member of a writer’s

group, and editor of Contemporary Business News in Hunan.

In 2004, Shi Tao sent details of a government memo about

restriction on news coverage of the Tiananmen Square

massacre anniversary to a human rights website in the US.

In November 2004, Shi Tao was arrested.

In April 2005, he was sentenced to10 years

in jail on charges of disclosing state secrets.

The evidence of the sentence

was the email he sent via Yahoo.

Yahoo’s providing users’ emails to the Chinese

regime, and their subsequent use as evidence

in court, were widely condemned by international

press groups and human rights organizations.

Yahoo’s reputation was badly damaged. In 2007,

Yahoo sent apologies to Shi Tao and his family.

Both sides reached a mutual agreement over

compensation, but the amount wasn’t disclosed.

Hong Kong Version of “My Dad Is Li Gang”

On September 7, a man in Hong Kong who was

suspected of drink driving, caused an accident.

When police arrived at the site and asked the man

questions, the man answered with an arrogant attitude.

“I am a member of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)”.

He thought this is a privileged position in Hong Kong

and that the police would deal with him differently.

However, the police said: “So what? I am

Hong Kong police.” The man was detained.

The video recording of this incident is circulating online,

and netizens praised police for enforcing law and justice.
