【禁聞】籲「安妮上學」 數十維權人士被抓


【新唐人2013年04月17日訊】籲「安妮上學」 數十維權人士被抓





港媒:官員擁驚人財產 曝光將社會動盪






傳上海疫情嚴重 醫務人員24小時待命






Human Rights Activists Arrested For Supporting Annie’s Schooling

On April 16th, dozens of human rights activists

were arrested after a one week hunger strike relay.

The Hefei Spring Hotel, where the activists stayed,

was surrounded by a large number of police.

The garden, near the Amber Primary School,

with the hunger strike site has been totally cleared.

All participants, including human rights activist Zhang Lin

and the defense lawyer Tian Li, have been taken away.

Zhang Lin told NTD reporter that more than a dozen police

went into the hotel to arrest people.

Nearly 100 guards were in the corridor, and

several hundred guards were waiting outside the hotel.

Zhang suffered multiple physical injuries.

Zhang Lin, Anne and her father were

forcibly escorted back to Bengbu.

The remaining peoples’ whereabouts are still unknown.

On April 16th, Beijing human rights lawyer Liu Xiaoyuan

arrived at Hefei; he is working hard to help the arrested netizens.

Officials’ Amazing Fortune Causes Social Unrest

On April 15th Hong Kong’s South China Morning Daily

published an article.

It was entitled “the Central Commission for

Discipline Inspection (CCDI) avoided talking about official property declarations”.

It said that the new leaders of China try to use disclosing

officials’ property and wealth to fight corruption. Their hopes will be shattered.

A reliable source said that recently more than 200 officials

from CCDI had a meeting, and no one supports this initiative.

The source said many Guangdong Provincial officials told

the CCDI that disclosing officials’ property will cause public anger and social unrest.

The CCDI official said that every one being interviewed

has amassed an amazing fortune.

Zhao Hong, the deputy secretary of CCDI, heard the remarks

of that CCDI official and declined to comment.

The article also said that three media people had received

a gagging order, so they will not ask any questions related to officials declaring their assets.

It was learned that Liu Qibao, director of

the Central Propaganda Department, said that

officials’ disclosing of assets has nothing to do

with the media, so they should not ask questions.

Shanghai Medical Staff On 24 Hour Standby For Serious Epidemic

The H7N9 avian flu epidemic continues to spread

in Mainland China.

Chinese people worry the most if the virus is spreading

from human to human.

Recently, a micro-blog from a Mainland medical staff said

it is a very serious epidemic;

The virus mutates, and it will spread even

when a patient has no fever.

This healthcare person said, the medical staff have to be

on call 24 hours and are prohibited from leaving Shanghai.

The H7N9 avian flu can also be transmitted

from people through the air and droplets.
