【禁聞】民間新聞播報 揭江蘇黑監獄內幕


【新唐人2013年03月08日訊】早在2010年10月,網友根據媒體對暴力拆遷發生過的地方,繪製了一張 「中國血房地圖」,地圖上有的地方發生過自焚事件;有的地方有人失去生命;有的地方發生群體性事件。可是到了2013年,「血拆」並沒有減弱,而且地方政府為了掩蓋暴力強拆的罪惡,不惜任何手段阻止公民進京上訪,有的被勞教、有的被拘、有的被關黑監獄。剛剛從黑監獄出來的受害人,拍攝視頻揭露那裏的罪惡。下面帶您一起去了解中國的黑監獄。










無錫訪民 胡女士 我關在裡面,要是你跟他駁理,就是跟他講理,他講不過你,他就不給你吃飽,不給你見陽光,窗簾都全部拉好,每天就是給你來上課。上課就是訓你,不是上甚麼課,也不教你學習甚麼、教育甚麼,就是訓你,就是不允許你上訪的意思。」






採訪/朱智善 編輯/宋風 後製/蕭宇

Jiangsu Dark Jails Unveiled

Back in October 2000, Internet users drew

a “bloody-room map" of many cities with forced demolitions.

Some places had self-immolation incidents,

others – mass violence eruptions; people have lost their lives.

In 2013, the bloody demolitions have not decreased;

local authorities just use various means to prevent people from petitioning in Beijing.

Some people are detained, others put in forced labor camps,

and some are thrown into “dark jails.”

Now, victims coming out of a dark jail are unveiling

the evils happening in there and recorded in a video tape.

Forced demolitions are rampant in mainland China for years.

In the past six-seven years, it has gotten even more violent.

In July 2010, Wuxi City, Jiangsu, was listed as number one

in China, in implementing forced demolitions.

In recent years, 12 people died directly,

and a few dozens indirectly from demolitions in Wuxi.

Forced demolitions’ petitioners

are reaching 10,000.

In order to avoid civilians’ criticism, the Wuxi government

has set up “legal education classes.”

This means people who went to, or prepare to go to Beijing

to petition for their houses’ or land’ appropriation,

will be illegally detained, or sent to a dark jail

for the so-called legal education classes.’

The following video is from people just coming out

of a dark jail who want to reveal the inside reality.

“Ladies and gentlemen! Today is March 4, 2013,

welcome to Citizens’ Broadcast of the two sessions.

Here are your hosts Wang Yaowu and Chan Qing.

Recently through microblogs and phone calls, etc.,

we discovered people being missing for a variety of ways.

We later learned they all ended up in legal education classes.

Today, with friends, we’ll unveil the legal education classes.”

These victims expose the usual regulations of dark jails,

such as without permission, one cannot eat, sleep, go to restroom or walk around.

They also exposed the many charges by the authorities.

That includes disturbing dark jail orders, preparing to petition,

extortion of the local government, inciting subversion, etc.

Mr. Wan, a petitioner from Wuxi, said his family of five,

including his 18-month-old grandchild, have all been inside.

He believes that the authorities

want to rob his family of their wealth.

Mr. Wan : “I reported the corrupt Jiangsu Yixing developer

Shi Guosong with my real name.

I wrote complaint letters to Supreme People’s Procuratorate,

and to Jiangsu’s Procuratorate, but no one cared.

Jiangsu has been sealed tightly now. Once the lid is open,

it stinks because of all those corrupt officials.”

Ms. Wu, a petitioner from Wuxi who was in a dark jail

for 15 days, shared her experience.

She said, the Wuxi government is afraid of the outside world

knowing the truth, so they detained her illegally for the so-called education.

Ms Wu: “I was locked up inside.

If I reasoned with him, he would lose.

Thus, he will not let me eat or see the sun.

They drew curtains close and gave me lessons every day.

They did not teach me anything, but just let me know

that I could not go to Beijing to petition.”

The death toll from forced demolitions

caused great shock in recent years.

In September 2010, Yihuang demolition case caused one

death and two serious injuries’cases from self-immolations.

In December 2010, the Chan Yunhui incident happened

in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province.

In September 2012, in the Panjin area police shot

and killed a villager due to land acquisition conflicts.

In December 2012, in Guizhou Zunyi City demolitions

by Urban Construction Bureau caused one death and three people were injured.

A report from “Amnesty International" from October 2012,

alleged that China had over 40 cases of self-immolations due to forced demolitions from January 2009 to January 2012.

Fighting against the government demolitions

is getting increasingly intense in China.

In May 2011, the bombing of Chan Qiming from Fu Zhou,

Jiangxi Province, caused three deaths and many injuries.

Chan’s building was demolished 10 years ago, but he did not

receive a reasonable compensation and his decade long complaint is still not resolved.

In May 2012, a young woman from Qiaojia, Yunnan Province

detonated explosives and killed 4 people, injuring 15 others.

Earlier this year, the Chinese regime published

the “Social Mentality Blue Book."

In it they admitted that in the first three quarters of last year,

275 (30.9%) of the 914 human rights cases were demolitions’ casualties.

What is even more concerning, officials were involved

in 80% of these forced demolition cases.

These facts point out that it will be difficult for the regime

to avoid responsibilities for these harmful forced demolitions.
