【禁聞】人權僵局難解 陳光誠赴美障礙重重













採訪/朱智善 編輯/許旻 後製/葛雷


Human Rights Deal in Difficulty, Chen Guangcheng’s US Travel Encounters Obstacles

Blind activist Chen Guangcheng was given permission to study

in the U.S., but many plain-clothes police still surround Beijing Chaoyang hospital where he is being treated.

Many dissidents who came to visit Chen were beaten

and detained.

On May 6, Hong Kong reporters tried to enter the hospital

to interview Chen, but their China re-entry and reporting certifications were confiscated.

According to the Sino-US agreement, Chen will be

accompanied by his family to America.

However, only time can tell whether the Chinese Communist

Party’s (CCP) promise ensures a smooth processing of Chen and his family’s visa application.

On May 5, New York University confirmed a fellowship offer.

Activists said that the CCP has allowed Chen to go abroad.

It must be cautious about what CCP has said because they may

deliberately delay Chen’s application.

According to the rule, it will take 15 working days to approve

the passport request. Express service will take 5 working days.

If Chen and his family apply for passports in his hometown

of Linyi, Shandong, the local police that Chen has exposed as abusers, could make it difficult.

In addition, during the Sino-US meeting, the issue of Chen’s

return to China in the future was not discussed.

Outsiders believe Chen’s safe departure from China

will encounter many obstacles.

Gong Shengli, an independent China expert: “If Chen can

live in China, it is very important, as his living environment is not an individual case.

Apart from the CCP’s 80 million members, 1.22 billion

Chinese people live in a similar environment.

The Chen’s incident is the result of CCP’s “rule of man.”

Looking back, since June 4, 1989,

many dissidents left China in a similar way.

Looking ahead, without changing the legislative system,

such incidents will be common place.”

U.S. officials disclosed that the Secretary of State, Hillary

Clinton, was a key person in the new Sino-US agreement.

The details of the agreement haven’t been publicized yet.

A BBC reporter in Beijing said that Clinton left, but Chen

is still in the hospital, which is not much different than a jail.

Security guards haven’t allowed anyone to visit Chen,

and the so-called “Chen drama” has not ended yet.

Recently, dissidents and petitioners who visited Chen

were beaten and summoned.

Activist lawyer, Jiang Tianyong’s ears were beaten,

causing him to go deaf,

and Ai Weiwei’s assistant was taken away by Beijing

National Security personnel for nine hours.

On the afternoon of May 5, police interrogated and took

photos of over 100 petitioners outside Chaoyang Hospital supporting Chen, and some petitioners were taken away.

On May 6, Hong Kong Cable Television’s reporters attempted

to enter the hospital to interview Chen,

but their China re-entry and reporting certifications

were confiscated.

Chen said even US embassy officials weren’t allowed

to enter Chen’s room any day.

Commentator Gong Shengli believes that the Chen incident

reflects the conflicts between the so-called “China’s

characteristics” CCP system, and countries with lawful

systems in the world.

Gong Shengli: “Being a Secretary of State, she (Hilary

Clinton) should raise the issue according to United Nations

Charter and UN human rights convention, this would be more

practical and realistic.

As we all know, China didn’t fulfill and recognize the human

rights and three conventions.”

Activists are concerned that after the Chen incident,

local officials will intensify control and monitoring of dissidents

to avoid them copying Chen by fleeing to the U.S. embassy.

Lawyer Zhang Zanning points out that China obviously has

“two centers, two different voices.”

If this one “center," the Political and Legislative Affairs

Committee’s, power hasn’t been reduced; it will certainly strengthen activists’ control.
