【禁聞】籲人大道歉 「罷課」如箭在弦














儘管面臨的結果,很大可能還是當局「一意孤行」,但這支年輕的臂膀並不是孤立無援。中學生組織「學民思潮」也舉行了多場「公民課堂」,並籌備在兩個月內發動中學生罷課。而《法新社》報導,7號抵達北京,進行3天訪問的美國國家安全顧問萊斯(Susan Rice),也可能重申美國對香港民主的支持。另外,英國議會外交委員會,不僅將繼續針對香港的現狀進行調查,還把北京及港府的三封施壓信件在官方網站公布,引發關注。

採訪編輯/尚燕 後製/舒燦

Hong Kong Students Demand an Apology from Beijing

Hong Kong Federation of Students (HKFS) announced

a one-week strike will officially take place on Sept. 22.

It is in protest of the political reform in Hong Kong issued

by the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC).

The next move after the protest, is contingent upon the response

from Beijing and HK Government.

Will the Communist regime back off as they face the strong

voices of strike and Occupy Central?

How will civil disobedience shake the iron-handed politics?

Let’s see the coverage.

According to University of Hong Kong’s Students’ Union

(HKUSU) president Yvonne Leung, participants will include

20 colleges and universities.

Strike organizer HKFS pursues four requests:

to establish civil nomination; to promise universal suffrage

of Legislative Council in 2016;

resignation of chief executive and political reform trio;

and NPCSC’s apology to the people of Hong Kong.

HKFS chairperson Alex Chow: “Simply put, the whole concept

is to get out of campus and to get into the community.

There’ll be a general assembly for the first day at the Chinese

University of Hong Kong.

This is the consensus from other institutions too, forming

a general assembly on campus before going into society.

That’s the decision of the strike committee."

Alex Zhou concludes, HKFS will determine, according to

the situation, when to get out into the community in places

such as the civic plaza or Tamar Park, for a large rally.

It will then become an activity of the entirety Hong Kong,

not just the students.

Alex Zhou: “The social significance of the student organized

strike, is that the new generation is not satisfied

with the resolution of the NPCSC.

The strike is telling society that it can no longer be ignored.

It is also a clear warning to the Government.

We demand civil nomination to reform the Council.

If it fails, the entire movement is bound to engage in more

non-cooperative movements and civil disobedience."

In a Sept. 8 press conference by Alliance for Peace and

Democracy (APD), the pro-government anti-Occupy

Central organization,

created a “report hotline" established to encourage

the public to report on organizers of the strike

and Occupy Central.

The APD claimed the anti-strike was meant to prevent students

from being victimized and taken advantage of.

Alex Zhou responded, different voices in the community are

completely normal, but the strike activities should not be

discredited or slandered.

Alex Zhou: “In fact, the point is not to discredit the students

by saying the strike was the outcome of manipulation,

lack of independence, and a political tool or bargaining chip.

It is ok to say, the students’ duty is to learn, we’ll tell you that

we actually learn more in the community than on campus.

By simply learning on campus, is not sufficient to reform

the society, if the higher education is to nourish the students

so that they will feed back to the community."

The strike is about to start, and the Occupy Central

also seems imperative.

Will the regime give in faced with these activities reflecting

the strong opinion of Hong Kong people?

Commentator Wen Zhao: “There is no way for the CCP to give

in. Hong Kong needs a disobedience campaign that is persistent

and more extensive.

It is not realistic to expect one demonstration will receive

any response in a short time.

The CCP did not yield a bit after 500,000 people took the street

and 700,000 signed the petition."

The strike is like an arm of the youth gathered by the

Hong Kong students.

How will this arm shake the hurdles set up by the NPCSC

regarding the chief executive candidates?

Wen Zhao: “The student movement itself should be facing people.

What Hong Kong needs is the entire enlightenment of the nation.

Only when people recognize the importance of their democratic

rights will they then get mobilized.

Then the civil disobedience campaign will gain its actual power

to paralyze the government, which will lose its control

at the grassroots of society. Then there’s pressure

for the government to change."

Although the regime could solely insist on its decision,

the students are not alone.

Scholarism formed by the secondary school students, have

organized multiple citizen classes and prepared a high schoolers’

strike in two months.

The Agence France-Presse reported the US National Security

Adviser Susan Rice arrives in Beijing on Sept. 7.

She is expected to restate Washington’s support for democracy

in Hong Kong.

In addition, the British Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee

continue to investigate the current situation in Hong Kong,

as well as publicize the three letters from Beijing

opposing the British investigation.

Interview & Edit/ShangYan Post-Production/ShuCan
