【禁闻】四中人事大变动 刘源或进中央军委

















采访编辑/刘惠 后制/李智远

Major Personnel Changes Expected for The Fourth Plenum

Xi Jinping’s anti-graft campaign has sacked 34 provincial
and minister-level officials since the 18th National Congress.

Personnel changes are expected during the upcoming Fourth
Plenum in October.

According to inside sources, Reuters reported that Liu
Yuan, currently political commissar of the Logistics
Department, is likely to be promoted to the Central Military
Commission (CMC), and even vice chairman of the CMC.

Commentators believe Xi Jinping will completely reorganize
the military, the Political and Judiciary Commission, and
the propaganda department to expel any resistance to his
anti-corruption campaign.

In Xi Jinping’s “hitting the tigers and flies” movement,
a large number of senior officials have been sacked.

Now major personnel changes are anticipated at the Fourth
Plenary Session, reported Beijing News.

Sources indicate Liu Yuan, political commissar of the
General Logistics Department, is likely to be promoted
to the Central Military Commission, or higher.

Liu Yuan is the eldest son of former Communist Party
leader Liu Shaoqi.

Even though he was not promoted during the 18th National
Congress, being a childhood acquaintance of Xi Jinping,
Liu Yuan and Xi Jinping have been sympathetic of each other.

Their fathers were both victims of the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP);

They shared similar experiences of being exiled to the remote
areas and joining the army.

Beijing politics watcher Hua Po,”Xi Jinping’s anti-graft
movement is at the life and death point.

He needs more alliances to assist with his acts to clean out the
opponents. Liu Yuan is a good ally.”

Trend magazine in Hong Kong reported in its July issue
that former CMC Vice Chairman Xu Caihou was involved
in serious bribery, selling of positions at the army, and four
times attempted to murder Liu Yuan.

Liu Yuan had insisted on a thorough investigation of the
deputy logistics chief, Gu Junshan.

The four murder attempts happened prior to the 18th National
Congress in 2012.

This March, Gu Junshan was court-martialed.

On June 30, Xi Jinping chaired a Politburo meeting
and personally expelled Gu from the party.

Current affairs commentator Lan Su, “Liu Yuan is likely
to enter the CMC.

Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption has two targets.

One is the army, and the other is in Shanghai, Jiangsu and
Zhejiang provinces.

Liu Yuan was targeting the three giants of the Jiang faction
in the army, Yang Guanglie, Guo Boxiong and Xu Caihou.”

China issues expert Shi Zangshan believes Zhang Dejiang,
and Liu Yunshan are the two main representatives of the
Jiang faction in the Politburo.

In the recent incidents of Southern Weekly, canceling the
labor camp, and the White Paper to Hong Kong, the split
between Xi Jinping and these two Politburo Standing
Committee has been public.

In Hong Kong’s Cheng Ming Monthly’s April issue, it was
said that Xi Jinping and Zhang Dejiang had a major falling
out on the characterization of Zhou Yongkang’s case.

Xi Jinping advocated the case was anti-party clique and
investigated on both economic and political issues together;

Zhang Dejiang advocated only investigating corruption.

Back in 2012 when Zhang Dejiang ruled Chongqing, he was
criticized for poor maintenance of stability.

On the day that the Bo Xilai investigation was announced,
about 10,000 people in Chongqing held a parade.

And early last year, the authorities tried to cancel the much
criticized labor camp system.

However Zhang Dejiang has been reluctant to follow.

In the March issue, Cheng Ming Monthly reported the
sex industry in Dongguan ,Guangdong massively developed
when Zhang was ruling in Guangdong.

The CCP attacking the porn industry was believed to be a
movement to hit Zhang Dejiang.

In addition, since former CCTV deputy director Li Dongsheng
was sacked last December, at least 100 CCTV staff were
interrogated, some of them were detained for interrogation
and then arrested.

Hua Po indicates the cleaning up of CCTV is an act
to hit Liu Yunshan.

Hua Po:“Xi Jinping will certainly be vigorously promoting
a group of people to assist in controlling the gun and the knife,
which is the politics and law piece, and the pen, which is the
propaganda. These three areas are what he must master.”

Wang Yang and Li Yuanchao are the two main figures of the
CCP Youth League faction.

It was a surprise when the two of them did not make it into
the Standing Committee during the 18th National Congress.

However, since Xi Jinping came to power, Wang Yang has
been given more titles.

Li Yuanchao has also been entrusted with more tasks.
Hua Po believes that Xi Jinping is forming his own team.

Many high-level personnel arrangements in the Fourth
Plenum could come from the Youth League faction.

Interview & Edit/LiuHui Post-Production/Li Zhiyuan
