【禁闻】党媒高调报导民国通缉名册 汉奸江泽民被重提

【新唐人2014年02月11日讯】民国通缉名册现 汉奸江泽民被重提





央视揭东莞黄色行业 引火烧身








俄罗斯一家主要大报分析说,专制政府热衷奥运,是因为利用奥运可以对内增强凝聚力,对外 易让国际社会接受。





Traitor Jiang Zemin On The Wanted List In Old China

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) media Xinhua website
reported on February 9, that a list of wanted traitors, for the
period 1912-1949 in Guangxi Province, Yongning County,
was found in Tonggu County Archives Museum.
It listed more than 430 traitors and their major crimes
during the Anti-Japanese War.

Former CCP leader Jiang Zemin, was hunted by the Taiwan
Government (RoC) because of traitor crimes.

According to overseas Epoch Times report, Jiang Zemin was
the high official from the next generation of the Reorganized
National Government of China.

He was suspected of being a traitor,and was the focus of the
investigation of the national government at that time.

In order to escape punishment, Jiang hastily fled to Shanghai,
incognito and hid at Jiangxi Province, Yongxin County,
Pianpi Village, Mianhua Field.

The national government has issued an
arrest warrant for Jiang.

The Epoch Times analyses that, during the intense game
of Zhongnanhai and Jiang’s gang facing liquidation, the
CCP media reported this traitor roster in Jiangxi from the
RoC, bringing association.

CCTV Reveals Dongguan Sex Industry, Burned CCTV Itself

On February 9, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) media
mouthpiece CCTV suddenly exposed Dongguan Sex Industry.
This high-profile news led to unprecedented rebound of the
Mainland China network.
The microblog not only had a large number of voices which
support Dongguan, but also many people ridiculed the CCTV.

Some people even pointed out that, the CCTV are ‘the people
who sell their souls’ looking down on ‘ones selling their bodies’.

Also netizens pointed out that the CCTV itself is
similar to such investigated places in Dongguan.

Recently, overseas media always report that the Vice Minister
of Public Security Bureau, Li Dongsheng, who was dismissed
shortly before, was in charge of the CCTV.

Under his ‘introduction’, many beautiful female CCTV
anchors were involved in the ‘erotic door’ of former
Communist Party Standing Committee Zhou Yongkang
and his ‘cowboys’.

Netizen ‘YiFoYiMo’ said that: “The CCTV reporters have
just got up from the senior officials’ beds, and then went to
Dongguan to visit the battlefield!”

Netizen ‘@Laoxu Conmmentary’ is more concerned with the
reasons behind the incident.
He said: ‘If Dongguan sex industry really has price lists there
blatantly and openly like CCTV said, then behind the dissolute
and reckless situation, there must be intertwined power asylum
and corrupt officials.
No doubt, an earthquake in the Dongguan political field has
begun; we will wait and see if it is related to Guangdong
political field or even higher officials.’

Russian Media: Authoritarian Regime Uses the Olympics

China, Japan, Russia and other country heads are using Russia
Sochi ‘Winter Olympics’ to diplomatically wrangle.
This has become the recent media focus. China also released
news about applying to host the 2022 ‘Winter Olympics’.

One main newspaper from Russia analyses the Chinese
authoritarian government is keen for the Olympics because
they can use it to enhance the internal cohesion and make
it easier for the international community to accept them.

Russia major newspaper ‘Gazette’ has published article that,
sport and politics cannot be separated.
Through the sports competition and Olympics they can easily
create nationalism and strengthen the national cohesion.

The article also added that, hosting the Olympics is for the
authoritarian regime to legitimize its authority, and the most
convenient tool to gain the respect and equal treatment
from the international community.

The article also points out that this is the reason that China,
Russia and other countries are keen to hold the Olympics.

Edit/Zhou Yulin
