【禁闻】美40年后奖对华前特工 释何信号﹖


美国“中情局”发表声明说,在11月举行的一个仪式上,83岁的约翰•唐尼(John T. Downey),和86岁的里查德•费克(Richard G. Fecteau),被授予美国“中央情报局”的最高奖章:“卓越情报工作十字勋章”。





前中共国家安全部情报官李凤智:“我们应该注意斯诺登事件,我觉得美方有这样的意味,重塑中情局形象。同时也给中国(共)发一定信号。 中、美关系好像是越来越近了,但变得更加复杂。在这种情况下,我们所看不到的两国之间的间谍战,我猜应该比以前更加激烈。”







采访/陈汉 编辑/王子琦 后制/孙宁

Why Are CIA Agents Captured By The CCP Honored 40 Years Later?

Two former Central Intelligence Agency officers
imprisonedby the Communist regime for two decades
were recently honored.

Why are they awarded now after more than 40 years
since their return to the U.S.?
How are secret agents viewed between the Communist
regime and the U.S.?
We shall take a look.

In a CIA press release, two retired officers,
Judge John “Jack” Downey and Richard “Dick” Fecteau,
were recognized last month with the Distinguished
Intelligence Cross, the Agency’s highest honor for valor.

The statement said that in November 1952,
on a mission over China to retrieve an agent,
Mr. Downey and Mr. Fecteau’s low-flying plane
was shot down by Communist anti-aircraft fire.
Both were captured, interrogated, and imprisoned
for more than 20 years.
They remained captive until their release
in the early 1970s.
They did not reveal any valuable information
to the CCP.

According to China Affairs magazine editor in chief,
Chris Wu, the honors after 40 years of silence give
an indication of the current world status.

Chris Wu, China Affairs magazine editor in chief:
“America is returning to Asia.
It is a strategy to reach a military, economic and political
balance with the CCP in the Western Pacific.
Every department has a role, in particular
the intelligence agency.
I believe spy activities between these two countries
are going on widely, deeply and frequently."

Hong Kong’s Oriental Daily reported that the U.S.
has considered the CCP the top strategic target.
Honoring the agents previously captured by the CCP
is obviously a move to boost morale and a mobilization order
to strengthen intelligence work in China.

Li Fengzhi, former Chinese intelligence agent:
“We should pay attention to Snowden’s case.
I believe the U.S. is re-shaping the image
of the CIA and sending a signal to China.
China and the U.S. seem to have gotten into
a relationship that is close but also complex.
We don’t see spy activities between these two countries,
but I do believe they are more intense than ever."

At the same time, Hong Kong’s Ming Pao reported
an Internet disclosure of a mysterious CCP
national security report stating that many countries
are into “subversion” of the Communist regime.

As always, the security report referred to the U.S.
as “the source of all anti-China forces", and alleged
that the “underground struggle" between the two sides
has never stopped.
It also disclosed that a Taiwanese intelligence network hidden
in China for the past 10 years was uncovered this year.
The spy was said to be a businessman who has conducted
incitement of mutiny, and has “succeeded
in the instigation too many times to continue.”

He claimed there are hundreds of cadres at the regiment
level and several dozens of cadres at the division level.

Whether this report is real is hard to tell, but it is believed
to be rallying the newly established state security committee.
It looks like the Communist regime is doing more than
cracking down on the Internet activists and cleaning out
the rumors on the Internet.

Catching spies is another movement of the regime.

The CCP’s mouthpiece, Global Times, also published
an article on Wednesday on the retired CIA agents’ reward.
However, this report has since been removed
from the Internet.

Chris Wu: “The Americans and the Russians would pay
tribute to their agents who were arrested or killed.
Their families will receive honorable treatment.

On the contrary, the CCP treat their agents
like pairs of old shoes.
The Global Times reflected on how the CCP
has treated its spies.
They were treated like traitors, imprisoned, and even killed.
They were not treated as heroes.
The CCP is never interested in the exchange
of those who were arrested by foreign countries.”

Former Chinese intelligence agent Li Fengzhi said that
he had seen many such examples.
Once overseas spies or informants for domestic stability
maintenance were in trouble, the CCP rarely
gave a helping hand.
