













采访编辑/秦雪 后制/葛雷

Serious Doubts Cast Over Court President’s Qualifications in China

Since Shanghai judges’ sex scandal was exposed,

the President of Shanghai’s High Court theory of
“hostile force", aroused public condemnation and ridicule.
Netizens surfed the internet and collected
the profiles of 31 Court Presidents.
There is only one person with proper judicial qualifications.

20 so called judges did not major in law at the college,
14 of them don’t have any university qualification.
Legal experts in Mainland China revealed that the majority
of Court Presidents were transferred from the civil service.
They are not the legal experts. They are not legally qualified.

People now have doubts that Zhou Qiang, the Supreme Court
President has any judicial qualification or passed any exams.

Cui Yadong, Acting President of the Shanghai
High Court has claimed that the sex scandal incident
provided a loophole for hostile forces at home and abroad
to attack the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and governments.
Cui’s words triggered netizens curiosity.
What kind of group is the Court Presidents in China?
Netizen Cao Kailin did a research survey of 31 High Court
Presidents. The results have astonished and terrified netizens.

It shows that among 31 High Courts, only 17 Presidents
have university qualifications, one finished the degree in their spare time.
13 have the CCP school qualification; 11 studied law at
University. Only one passed the judicial exam.
7 Presidents have neither legal qualification nor general
university qualification.
It includes Cui Yadong in Shanghai, Hu Yifeng in Inner
Mongolia, Zuo Shizhong in Shanxi, Liang Mingyuan in Gansu,
Zhang Jian in Anhui, Li Yankai in Ningxia,
and Yan Qingwen in Shan’anxi.
Cao Kailin warns that people need to keep an eye
on those 7 Unqualified Presidents,
miscarriage of justice is in danger of happening.

Yang Zhizhu, former deputy Professor in law told NTD that
this kind of issue is common in China.
Under the Chinese Communist regime, the general case is
mostly assigned to the Vice President of the Court.
The Presidents are probably not involved in actual practice.

Yang Zhizhu: “For example, one Deputy President of
a Court deals with civil cases,
another Deputy President deals with criminal cases.
What does the President of the court do?
Many of them are in charge of human resources,
choosing and vetting Deputy Presidents.
They are also in charge of the finances and
construction projects: deciding whether and when
to implement construction projects."

Yang Zhizhu reveals that some judges he knew said
they hoped that the Court Presidents know nothing about law.
Because under these circumstance, he could be
transferred from civil organs, to financial organs.
If so, he could have many economic contacts,
bringing more profits to the judges.

According to Chinese law, after 2002, new judges and new
Public Prosecutors must pass the national judicial exam.
Actually, the Presidents of the Court are generally
transferred from other bodies.
Nobody has ever heard of any of them ever taken
such an exam.
So even though there is a new Law since 2002,
nothing has changed.
Yang Zhizhu doubts that Zhou Qiang has taken the exam.

Yang Zhizhu: “Has Zhou Qiang taken the exam? I doubt it.

Zhou served in the justice department for a while.
Later he became Youth League secretary.
Then he was transferred to be a provincial party
secretary in Hunan.
When did he serve as a judge? Never.
I believe he has never taken a judicial exam."

According to lawyer Xie Yanyi of Kaitai Law firm in Beijing,

normally Court Presidents are directly transferred from other
civil bodies. The majority of them didn’t take judicial exam.

Xie Yanyi: “From what I have learned in our area there is only
one local Court Deputy President that took the judicial exam.
It became sensational issue. People said that this person
worked hard, being a leader, a court leader,
he took the judicial examination. This was big news."

Wang Cheng, a human rights lawyer in Hangzhou said that

the High Court President should essentially be
a second degree Grand Justice.
It is a very high position in the judicial industry in this country.

If such a position were taken by legally unqualified persons,
that don’t have any university qualifications, it is an absolute nonsense.

Wang Cheng: “Certainly, this country’s judicial system
is of very low quality. Over the years,
it has been proven that China’s judicial system
is very poor. Many cases of miscarriage of justice exist.
Year in, year out, from central government to local
government, and at all levels of the people’s congresses,
surveys of court standards are negative."

Xie Yanyi said that the Supreme Court in China requests
Court Presidents to participate in the trial cases.
If one doesn’t have judicial qualifications,
he has no judicial expertise.
This can lead to miscarriage of justice.
Thus, it will bring grave harm to society.
