【禁闻】冀中星截肢后去向不明 父亲被控

【新唐人2013年07月22日讯】冀中星截肢后去向不明 父亲被控





湛江警民冲突 村民引爆煤气罐抵抗









Ji Zhongxing Missing After Amputation, Father Detained

The explosion at Beijing Capital Airport on July 20th
shocked the public.
Ji Zhongxing, a disabled petitioner from Heze, Shandong,
detonated a bomb.
As a result, he had an amputation early the next morning.

Police took him away from the hospital afterwards.
It’s unknown where he is now.
The Chinese Communist Party also controls his father’s
situation in his hometown.

According to BBC’s Chinese website, Ji Zhongxing’s brother
Ji Zhongji said his father’s phone card and Ji Zhongxing’s
computer were taken away by government officials.
Police put up blockade lines around the house.

Mainland human rights lawyer Liu Xiaoyuan posted on
twitter saying: “How come his family is implicated?
Are they controlling his family because they’re worried
about his family telling the truth to media?”

According to reports, young Ji Zhongxing was beaten by
police in Guangdong, leading to his lifelong disability.
Ji petitioned many times, but got no compensation.

Clash Between Police And People in Zhanjiang, Leads To
Villagers Detonate Gas Tanks

A large clash between villagers and police occurred in
Wanzhou village of Zhanjiang City, Guangdong on July 19th.
Over 1000 villagers protested against the local government
forcing the land acquisition.
Villagers blocked roads with trucks and gas tanks.
Local officials dispatched several hundred special police.
A clash between both sides took place. Villagers detonated
gas tanks and were repressed violently by police.

The US based Epoch Times reported there were over
500 special police including armed police.
They beat villagers including elders and children.
They also smashed villagers’ cars.
Dozens of villagers were injured, some of them seriously hurt.

Two people lost consciousness after being beaten.
Many were bleeding. 6 or 7 villagers were arrested.
Villagers’ cars and motorcycles were also damaged.

Apparently, local officials have been corrupt and
committed illicit sales of public land.
Villagers didn’t get any result after petitioning,
so they blocked the roads in protest.

Survey: Many Countries Believe Human Rights Situation in China Is Poor

American Pew Research Center recently published a report
of a new survey indicating that more countries in the world
have negative views of China’s human rights situation.

This survey was conducted by Pew Research Center
between March 2nd and May 1st this year.
This international opinion poll targeted people of 39 countries.

These include the US, Canada, Europe, Middle East, Asia, Latin
America, and Africa, from over 30,007,000 survey replies.

The survey result shows that people in North America,
Western Europe, Australia, South Korea, and Japan think
China’s human rights situation is poor.
Over 70% of respondents have negative views
of the human rights situation in China.
