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Merkel and Li Keqiang Talk over Trade Tariffs

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang met with German Chancellor
Angela Merkel yesterday in his first overseas visit to Germany as Premier.
The two sides talked about EU trade disputes, human rights
dialogue, the Iranian nuclear issue, the Syrian crisis and so forth.
Li Keqiang opposed “decisively” with EU’s anti-dumping &
anti-subsidy case against China’s solar panels & wireless equipment.
He anticipated Germany’s position of power over EU issues.

On the 26th, Li Keqiang talked to German Chancellor
Angela Merkel at the Chancellery.
The talks focused on the trade row between the EU and China.

The BBC reported that, the European Commission
will investigate into the solar panels and wireless equipment
from China & levy tariffs on these products.

Starting from June 6, Chinese solar panels will face
an average of 47% in duties.

Li Keqiang said this decision will hurt both China and Europe.
He anticipated Germans position of power,
pushing for talks between China and the EU,
thus resolving a likely trade war.

Political commentator Wu Fan: “China has dumped many
products on to the US, from steel pipes, tires,
paper board plates, printing plates, subsequently meeting tariffs.

Dumping occurs when the price was subsidized by
the government. Export enjoys a 17% rebate in China.
It is a business conducted with the power of the entire nation.

Of course no other country will accept it.
The tariffs came with a reason."

Reuters reported, EU decided to impose duties on
Chinese panel makers.
Beijing responded with the announcement from
the Ministry of Commerce,
imports of seamless steel from the EU, U.S. and Japan
are under investigation.

Jason Ma, the NTD commentator, indicates that

the Communist regime subsidizing panel makers has
long been known by the international community.

Jason Ma: “Denying the fact and threatening to retaliate
is a rogue practice of the Communist regime.
Business should be independent of the government.
It is illegal to provide governmental subsidy in the US."

Merkel reiterated, Germany opposes trade protectionism
as a response for which might result in mutual tariffs.
The German government thus pledged EU not to
impose duties.

Wu Fan: “Why did the Communist regime seek help from
Germany this time?
Why did the German Chancellor disagree with the tariffs?
It’s for the sake of business.
China’s solar panels are downstream products.

The upstream raw materials and accessories come from
two main regions, Germany and Japan."

However, Jason Ma warns Germany may well soon
lose all international support.

Jason Ma: “She values export over the benefit of the
international community.
This type of short term interests Germany seeks,
will soon lose ground with in the international arena."

Merkel and Li Keqiang also oversaw the signing of 17 bilateral
agreements, covering cooperation between companies,
including Volksw

en AG, SAIC Motor Corp., and BASF,
according to Deutsche Welle.
The two sides issued a press communiqué,
stating both countries will continue emphasis of rule of law & protection of human rights,
strengthening dialog and exchange on issues between
the two countries.

It was also reported that during the meeting of both premiers,

overseas Tibetans and the Uighur organizations held a protest
against Beijing’s policy towards minorities outside the Chancellery.
The demonstrators demanded the Merkel government
to put pressure up on Beijing to improve the human rights issue.
However, none of the human rights dialogue
was revealed after the meeting.
