【禁闻】中纪委抓6苍蝇 应付“习八条”?











赵士林:“那么,怎么样来把八项规定制度化,背后还有一个体制改革的问题,要颠覆官本位,要从根本上限制权力,使官员不能拥有无限权力,他既然没 有无限权力了,他的权利受到监督了,特别是民众能对官员的乌纱帽有发言权了,腐败现象,就能够从根本上得到遏制。”

林子旭也认为,习、李如果真的想反腐,就把监督的权利交给民众 ,让民众来监督官员们的生活作风,效果会更好。


采访编辑/常春 后制/李智远

Six Little Guys Punished Under Xi’s Eight Rules

In order to follow Xi Jinping’s eight rules, the Central Com-
mission for Disciplinary Inspection (CCDI) recently reported
that six people violated Xi’s eight rules.
A few officials were being punished for wrongdoings.
However, observers said that in order to cope with Xi’s
eight rules, the Central Commission caught six little guys, trying to fool others.
Right after the two sessions, the CCDI reported six violators.

It included the director of Qiongzhong County Financial Bureau,
Hainan Province, entertaining friends with public funds;
Party secretary and mayor of Qingshui Town, Jiangxi Province
used a committee office to set up a banquet—both officials were removed.

In addition, a few officials from Zhuhai, Guangdong Province;
Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province; Chibi City, Hubei Province;
Baihe County, Shaanxi Province, and other places have been
prosecuted and dismissed.

Political Commentator, Lin Zixu:"Incidents of violating
Xi’s eight rules have continued to occur among officials
at all levels of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
They claimed to follow it persistently and
not practice it superficially.
That shows it is very difficult to implement these rules,
and the resistance will be huge.
‘Xi’s eight rules’was Xi Jinping’s first decree
since taking office.
Catching six little guys is only dealing lightly’
with Xi’s eight rules.
In order to save Xi’ face, the media have to
highlight this issue."

Lin Zixu also pointed out that the CCP officials are addicted
to those bad habits, which are very difficult to get rid of.
When they are put under heavy pressure and tight rules,
they will resist.
That also includes officials responsible for
overseeing the implementation.
Therefore, Lin Zixu doubts:
How can Xi’s eight rules be carried out?

Political commentator, Wang Beiji thinks that
the CCDI itself is a corrupt agency.

Wang Beiji: “The CCDI announced several violations
of the eight rules.
It is humiliating to just punish these little guys whilst
dealing with big issues like high spending, waste or lifestyle problems.
Who are those little guys, are they flies, tigers or wolves?
This is caused by the power struggles with the CCP."

Zhao Shilin, a Professor of Philosophy and Religious Studies
at the Central University for Nationalities pointed out that
20 years ago, the CCP published something similar,
but they were stricter than Xi’s eight rules.
Yet, 20 years later, the new leadership has to specifically
enact similar provisions.

Professor Zhao Shilin:
“I believe that it will soon become a gust of wind.
A gust of wind has very little meaning
for the ordinary people.
Therefore, these six cases carry very little significance."

Zhao Shilin, regardless whether they are tigers or flies,
it was the right thing to do.
How to institutionalize Xi’s right rules and apply them in
order to bring out a cleaner political system is more important.

Zhao Shilin: “Behind institutionalizing Xi’s eight rules,
there is a reform of the system:
To subvert the official standard and put restrictions
on fundamental powers.
As a result, officials cannot have unlimited power.
Once they have only limited power, they are under supervision.
Particularly, if people have a say in the officials’positions,
corruption will be fundamentally curbed."

Lin Zixu also believes that if Xi and Li really want to curb
corruption, they need to grant the rights of supervision to the people.
It would be better to let people oversee the
life style of officials.

However, Linzi Xu also points out that in doing so, it opens
the window for public opinion and the CCP rule would be threatened.
Therefore, Lin Zixu thinks that Xi and Li cannot accomplish
much when they are within the party.
Only when they can jump out of the Party and stand together
with the people could they resolve those issues effectively.
Lin wonders: Do Xi and Li possess that kind
of political courage?
