【禁闻】江泽民作序 与“习八条”唱对台戏


















采访编辑/常春 后制/薛莉

Jiang Zemin Writes a Preface Against Xi’s Eight Regulations

Former general secretary Jian Zemin indirectly
appeared after the 18th Party congress.
Mainland media extensively reported on a preface
Jiang wrote for an ancient poetry anthology.
The preface directly challenged Xi’s eight regulations,
saying the leader “can’t send congratulatory letters,
messages or inscriptions”.
How will Xi Jinpin respond?
—Let’s see the report.

A book on ancient poetry anthology premiered in Beijing’s
”The Great Hall of the People” on December 22.
A poem and other scripts by Jiang Zemin were recorded in
the book, along with a preface written by him.
The Chinese Communist Party(CCP)’s mouthpiece media,

the People’s Network, Xinhua, Zhongxin Network, CCTV
and Xinwen Lianbo reported the event on a large scale.
Also, politburo member and state councilor, Liu Yandong,
presented the premiere and gave a speech.
The Minister of the CCP Central propaganda department
donated the book to some relevant CCP units.

Two days later, Xinhua Network once again reported on Jiang,
saying that he had titled the book “Yellow Mum”.

Also in December, the new general secretary Xi Jinping had
proposed eight regulations to “improve the work style” of the CCP’s Political Bureau.
The regulations forbade individuals from publishing papers,
writings, speeches, congratulatory letters and messages,
or inscriptions—only those coming from the CCP’s Central
Committee would be allowed.

International media also published articles on Jiang’s preface
after mainland media reported extensively on it.
Some commentaries said that, what Jiang had written was
in opposition to Xi’s eight regulations.
Other reports said that, Jiang’s performance showed his
arrogance and antagonism against the new leadership.

[Lin Zixu, Political Commentator]:
“In Jiang’s eyes, Xi is only playing the role of his grandson,
and Jiang won’t take Xi’s regulation seriously—maybe Jiang
wants to push Xi to his limit and see his response.”

Presenters of the U.S. Social Democratic Party of the
CCP Central Committee, Liu Quanyin, says that
Jang’s top purpose is to tell the world that
he has big influence in China.
Liu says, Jiang is also trying to warn the new leadership
that they had best continue along his political route.

[Liu Quanyin]: “His purpose is to tell the new leadership
to comply with his former evil policy,
with his first aim being to enlarge and keep any influence
and ensure his former routes and policies.
His second aim is to maintain the profits of his family
and his own political sect.”

Before the 18th CCP congress, Jiang had never written
an inscription or preface for anything.

On July 30, Xinhuan Network reported that Jiang had written
a preface for a “concise history reader” and on October 21,
he had written an inscription for the 110th anniversary
of his former school—Yang Zhou middle school.

On November 3, the People’s Network reported that Jiang had
written an inscription for Shanghai Ocean University’s Centennial Celebration.

Political commentator Lin Zixu says,
maybe Jiang has a hidden motive.

[Lin Zixu]: “Meanwhile, Jiang’s great effort to advance
his sect members within the CCP Politburo has gone nowhere.
Though not in the standing committee, Wang Yang and Hu
Chunhua are noticeable—but maybe Jiang is not satisfied
with this—maybe he wants to strengthen their confidence
by restricting Xi’s prestige.”

So how will Xi respond to Jiang’s challenge?

Li Zixu analyzes that Xi is different from Hu Jintao
and can be called a “real prince”.
Outsiders say Xi’s eight regulations is his first political step
so facing Jiang’s challenge, he will have totally lost his face.

[Lin Zixu]: “I think Xi won’t neglect Jiang’s opening
challenge and he will take some action.”

However, Lin says, within the CCP’s system, Xi’s fight-back
will be little, because if he strikes Jiang down, the system of the CCP will certainly collapse.
Even though Xi’s fight-back may be bigger than Hu Jintao’s,
in the end the results may be the same, Lin says.
So Jiang will likely follow his own way,
under the protection of the CCP’s system.
