【禁闻】中国盗版泛滥 最终害了谁








俞忠欢(上海市民): “中国教育也存在问题,不是鼓励去创造,而是鼓励去抄袭,这对创造力是一种抹杀。其实打击盗版也是做做表面文章,真正没有牵扯什么实质的。国家年年喊打击盗版,表面上看声势很大,其实盗版反而越来越多,越来越猖獗。”


俞忠欢(上海市民): “统计数字我们老百姓都知道,官方统计数字别说是盗版方面,其他方面造假也多得很。所以从我们的经验看,这个统计资料,我们是不相信这个统计资料的。”


专门从事技术和电讯领域的全球市场研究及咨询的IDC—-“全球研究机构”(Global Research Organization of IDC)负责人埃米•怀特(Amie White),在2004年曾经指出,中国的软件盗版率如果能减少10%,就能使中国经济在4年内增长1200亿美元。

Jiang Zengwei, deputy minister of commerce of China said,
after the late 9-month crackdown on the infringement
of intellectual rights, improvement has been made
in the situation of counterfeits in China.
However, Wang Xu, an intellectual property lawyer in Beijing
said, counterfeits are still rampant in China,
you can see them on the street, in stores, etc. Wang said,
counterfeit rampancy in China not only hurts the interests
and creativity of inventers, but also harms the country.
Wang: ”The economic and other interests of the inventers
are hurt greatly by the counterfeits. This will also
negatively impact the creativity of some intellectual
right owners, since their legal rights are not protected.
Counterfeit activities are immoral and are infringing
the intellectual rights, which should be punished by law.”
Li Xinmiao, an intellectual property lawyer in Shenzhen said,
Chinese social system caused many people to take a short cut
towards making money, rendering the counterfeits rampant.
Li: Encouraging innovations in China is superficial.
Though the patent rights and innovations are still promoted
in China, it does not seem to promote it in an upright way,
but it seems to encourage people to take a shortcut.
This is the key reason for the current situation.
Shanghai-based citizen Yu Zhonghuang believes that
the Chinese education system runs into a major problem,
causing the rampant counterfeit and plagiarism in China.
Government’s inaction has made the situation worse.
Yu: “The problematic Chinese education system does not
really encourage students’ creativity but the ability to copy.
It is a killer to one’s creativity.
The government’s crackdown on counterfeits is superficial.
It does not hit the root cause.
The authorities make a big fanfare in the crackdown activities,
but the more it cracks down, the more counterfeits surface.”
Yu was reserved about official stats on counterfeit crackdown.
Yu: ”We folks all know that not only the counterfeit stats,
but all the official stats are full of fake numbers.
From our experiences we do not trust their stats.”
On May 2011, American Business Software Alliance announced
that 78% of the software used in China was counterfeit,
causing the U.S. nearly US$8 billion losses.
Amie White, director of global research organization IDC
said in 2004, if the counterfeit software in China
could be reduced by 10%, Chinese economy
would respectively increase to US$120 billion in 4 years.

NTD reporters Zhou Yulin, Song Feng and xxx
