




据中国统计局的资料显示,构成CPI的8大类商品和服务价格也全数上涨,“非食品”因素逐渐成为推高CPI 的重要力量。



《德国之声》日前一篇《中国高通胀令人担忧 》文章写到,中国物价正在以出人意料的速度上涨,以致政府都开始担心社会失稳。但另一方面,大陆央行却不能过快的使经济降温,否则“硬着陆”带来的风险难以估量。自去年10月以来,大陆央行已经连续五次提高主导利率,连续9次提高银行准备金率,以减少货币流通量。留给央行的调控空间已然不多了。





Chinese Pork Increases CPI

In June, China’s consumer price index (CPI) rose 6.4%,
the highest in the past 36 months, with pork price up by 57.1%.
The high price of meat has caused an uproar.
Many white-collar workers find it difficult to make ends meet.
Scholars say China’s economy is undergoing a “hard landing."

Chinese Bureau of Statistics released the latest data
showing that in June, China’s CPI rose 6.4% since a year ago.
Pork prices rose 57.1%, the highest among food products,
and pork accounts for 21.4% of the CPI increase.

Professor Xie Tian in University of South Carolina says that
the increase of pork prices indicates an accelerating inflation.
The Chinese are sensitive to the increase of pork prices,
because food takes up a great proportion of household spending.

Xie: “Chinese people’s sensitivity towards pork prices
shows that China is still a poor country.
In Western countries such as the United States,
food expenditure takes up less than 10% of the income,
while in China it takes up as much as 40% to 50%.
Such a high expenditure makes people sensitive to food prices."

According to China’s Bureau of Statistics, prices of eight
categories of products that constitute CPI also rose.
Non-food factors have become major causes of CPI increase.

Professor Xie also said that the Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) manipulated the calculation of China’s CPI.
If housing and other important factors of daily life are added,
CPI would be even higher. To reduce its social impact,
however, CCP resorted to “gradually increasing the CPI.”
Even so, Xie said, the CCP’s report indicates serious inflation.
It shows that CCP has completely failed to control inflation.

Professor Xie Tian:
As early as six months ago, many foreign scholars of Chinese
economy found that China’s inflation was higher than the 4-5%
announced by Chinese government, and was as high as 15%.”

An article titled “China’s Disturbing Inflation" from Deutsche
Welle writes that prices in China are increasing unexpectedly.
The government begins to worry about social instability.
China’s Central Bank fails to cool down the economy.
Risks of “hard landing" are incalculable.
Since October 2010, the Central Bank has increased interest
rates five times, and increased bank reserve ratio 9 times.
There is not much room left for the Central Bank to control.

Some scholars are more pessimistic about China’s economy.
A U.S. economic and financial analyst says that
China has a massive amount of unrestricted money supply,
and banks lend out large amounts of money without restraints.
So the current amount of national debt in China has reached
USD 14 trillion, equal to RMB 90 trillion.
It is a debt of RMB 60,000 per capita.
He also believes that people’s purchasing power is low,
while the wealthy people’s hot money flows out.
The real estate bubble has burst, and
the Chinese economy is moving towards a “hard landing."

The high food prices may pose threats to social stability.
A user of Sina’s micro-blog sums up the public mood, asking,
“With a rapidly growing industry and national economy,
why is it so hard for an ordinary person to eat?”

NTD reporters Zhou Yulin, Song Feng and Xue Li
