






“中国反政治迫害同盟”执行长刘因全还表示,中共对中国异议人士的这种迫害是一贯的。而《博讯》网“百家争鸣”的评论认为,即使按照中共恶法的标准,胡佳也没有任何“煽动颠覆”的行为,因为作为胡佳所谓煽动颠覆的唯一 “罪证”,本来就属于中国宪法所保护的言论自由范畴。中共对胡佳的判决,完全是枉法判决,诚可谓“欲加之罪,何患无词”!








Two Isolated Hu Jias

Before the 2008 Beijing Olympics,
two Hu Jias drew international media attention.
One is a diver, who now is out of the spotlight.
The other is a human rights activist,
and was just released from jail after a 3.5-year term.
Media call both ‘contemporary China’s specialties’.

Rights activist Hu Jia was released on June 26.
His release was reported by international media.

Japanese paper Yomiuri Shimbun reported on June 28,
activist Hu Jia, 37, was sentenced to 3.5 years in jail
for “inciting subversion of state power”.
After being released on June 26,
he is now under house arrest along with his family.

French weekly La Vie published on June 28 an article
“Liberated Dissident Hu Jia Continues His Battle".
Associated Press Reporter Gillian Wong published
on June 27 from Beijing an article titled
“Freed Critics not a Sign China is soft on Dissents".

One June 26, reporter Tania Branigan of Guardian
wrote, “Mr. Hu was freer, but not free."
Hu has reunited with activist wife Zeng Jinyan,
but they are still under police surveillance.

Head of Anti-Political-Persecution Alliance of China
Liu Yinquan: Hu Jia is a peaceful dissident.
He appeals humanitarianly for AIDS patients’ rights.
He does what the government should do.
Failing to fulfill its responsibilities, the government,
instead of encouraging these civilian activists,
it cracks down on them.

Liu also said, Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
consistently suppressed dissidents in this way.
Boxun.com said that Hu Jia did nothing subversive,
even according to the law set by the CCP.
The only “evidence" against him is protected by
the Constitution regarding speech freedom rights.
CCP’s verdict about Hu Jia is nothing but injustice.

Hei Longjiang-based rights activist Zhao Jingzhou
is infuriated by the CCP’s use of police in suppression.
He thinks that Hu Jia was only transferred from
a small jail cell into a large prison.

Zhao Jingzhou: This society cannot become good!
The CCP takes money from taxpayers.
It is used in turn to oppresses the taxpayers.
The CCP is a dictatorship.
As long as CCP exists, people cannot live well.

Journalist Howard French wrote on New York Times
on June 20, 2008, China’s champion diver Hu Jia
of 10-meter platform suffered from a detached retina,
1 year after winning a gold medal in Athens.
His family members and fans speculated that
he would face a sudden end of a great career.

French wrote that tempted by gold medals,
the CCP forces athletes to train with injuries,
especially those star performers destined for Olympics.
They have been under strict control since a young age.
The health risks of training cannot be made public.

Chen Kai (ex-National Basketball Team Player):
Such a sports system ignores individuals’ interests.
It is an evil system with CCP’s evil characteristics.
This sports system itself destroys all athletes.

Chen Kai stressed that CCP sees athletes as machines,
and a kind of slaves working for the CCP’s interests.

NTD reporters Zhou Yulin,Tang Rui and Xue Li.
