【禁闻】访欧公关? 温家宝:物价可控

【新唐人2011年6月27日讯】正当市场担忧中国通胀噩梦挥之不去、经济可能走向“硬着陆”的同时,中共国务院总理温家宝日前在英国《金融时报》撰文表态说,目前中国的物价水平 可控,压抑通胀政策已奏效。虽然股市对此随即作出反弹回应,但金融界分析师警告,不应将温家宝的言论视为政策转向的信号;也有专家认为,这只不过是温家宝 出访欧洲的外交公关。













Wen Jiabao: Inflation can be controlled

As China’s inflation remains a concern and
the economy heads towards a “hard landing",
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao published an article
on Financial Times to claim that
China’s overall price level is manageable.
Although stock market rebounded after its publication,
financial analysts warned that his words didn’t signal
a monetary policy change and possibly are PR tactics.

Prior to Wen’s Europe visit on June 24, he said,
China had prioritized curbing inflation
as part of its macroeconomic policy and
China had introduced a series of effective policies.

Some analysts see his comments a positive signal to
loosen monetary policy; Shanghai Index rose 2.16%.
Its trading volume was at a 2-month high. However,
some analysts warned that it’s too early to conclude.

University of South Carolina professor Xie Tian:
Due to the speculation of China’s economy failure,
short selling (of Chinese stocks) is commonplace.
Chinese authorities continue to use foreign reserves
to buy indebted European countries’ bonds.
They need to create an image of economic prosperity.

Reuters quoted an anonymous senior economist
that as the world is concerned about China’s inflation,
Wen’s article is out of the foreign relations need;
it doesn’t signal a loosening of the monetary policy.

China Center for International Economic Exchanges’
Wang Jun believes the article is nothing special.
He said, “At most, monetary policy won’t be tightened.
But it is no signal that the policy will be loosened."

Asia News said economic stability is still a mystery
in China, as there are tens of thousands of riots
due to inflation and soaring living cost every year.
Wen’s comments are more likely made to calm down
the concerned foreign investors.

Merrill Lynch’s economist Ting Lu noticed that
Wen’s recent comments were different from
his speech on April 13. He said, “Inflation rate is rapid;
real estate trading volume dropped
while housing price in cities continue to rise.
The macroeconomic control is under great pressure."

Lu believes that despite Wen’s positive messages,
it could be wrong to expect the Chinese authorities
to change its policy stance soon.
China’s currency policy will not be changed much.

China’s CPI hit a record high of 5.1% in Nov. 2010.
In 2011, CPI remains above 5% for three months,
and it hit a 34-month high of 5.5% in May 2011.

National Bureau of Statistics released the average
food prices in 50 cities in June 2011.
The price of pork rose by 4%.
China Development and Reform Commission
forecasted CPI in June would be higher than in May.

Analysts expect inflation in June to be above 6%.

NTD reporters Liang Xin, Li Mingfei and Ge Lei.
