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【新唐人2011年6月23日讯】前美国驻北京大使洪博培(Jon Huntsman)6月21号正式宣布,将角逐共和党的总统候选人提名。美国媒体分析,他可能是共和党内目前最有希望挑战奥巴马的人选。今年4月卸任大使的洪博培,被公认为历年来最出色的美国驻华大使之一,尤其是他高调关注中国的人权和自由。

















民主党顾问史雷特(Alex Slater)表示,如果洪博培能够赢得共和党提名,他将成为大选中“白宫唯一敬畏的候选人”。


Ex-Ambassador Runs for U.S. President

Former U.S. Ambassador to Beijing Jon Huntsman
announced his presidential candidacy on June 21.
As per U.S. media analysis, Huntsman may be the
most promising candidate to challenge Obama.
He left Beijing in April 2011 and is recognized as
one of the best U.S. ambassadors to China.
He pays particularly high-profile attention to
human rights and freedom in China.

On June 21, Huntsman, emulating President Reagan,
gave his election speech in Statue of Liberty Park
in New Jersey. He said in the speech,
“This is the moment that we choose our future.”

Huntsman: This is the first time in history,
we show the next generation that the U.S. is not
as strong, compassionate, competitive and confident
as she once was. That is totally unacceptable,
and does not fit the American spirit.
(If the original soundtrack is in English, we don’t need subtitles.)

Huntsman said, the U.S. must make “tough choices".
He advocated simplifying the U.S. tax laws,
seeking energy independence and creating jobs.
He warned that if its debts/deficits cannot be reduced,
the U.S.’s future would be bleak.

So far, 8 Republicans have declared their candidacy,
including former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.
In informal Republican poll held on June 18,
Huntsman ranked second with 382 votes.

His father was the founder of Huntsman Group,
the nation’s largest chemical company.
Hunstman, 51, served as Reagan’s White House aide,
Department of Commerce Deputy Assistant Secretary
Ambassador to Singapore and
Deputy U.S. Trade Representative.

Jon Huntsman was elected twice as Governor of Utah.
In his Facebook gallery are photos of
him meeting Dalai Lama, as the governor of Utah.

He speaks fluent Mandarin and Minnan dialect
and was in Taiwan for seven years as a missionary.
He and his wife have five children and adopted
two more girls, one from China and one from India.

Huntsman became ambassador to China in Aug 2009.
He proposed a “humane diplomacy" concept and
boldly criticized China’s suppression of human rights.
The Chinese authorities were made very angry.

At the end of 2009, Huntsman spoke for 2 hours with
5 Chinese human rights lawyers and church activists,
including Jiang Tianyong, Li Fangping,
Zhang Kai, Wang Guangze and Dai Jinbo.

北京维权律师江天勇:【录音】“美国大使能够这样非常郑重的来会见中国的维权人士,尤其是维权律师,他是向中国民间、中国政府和全世界表明了美国政府、美国人民对中国人民追求法制,要求尊重人权这种希望的支持,释放了一个很积极的信号。” 【声音来源:希望之声】
Beijing human rights lawyer Jiang Tianyong:
The U.S. Ambassador took this meeting solemnly.
He sent a very positive signal to the Chinese people,
Chinese authorities and the whole world that
the U.S. Government and American people
support Chinese people’s pursuit of the rule of law
and human rights.


Huntsman had an emergency meeting in early 2010
with Zhang Kai, a Beijing rights lawyer.
He also visited Beijing-based rights lawyer Ni Yulan,
whose electricity had been cut off for 54 days.

On Feb. 20, wearing clothes with U.S. emblem,
Huntsman appeared in a “Jasmine meeting" place.
He also protested to Beijing against the detention
and beatings of foreign reporters at the meeting.
As a result, his name was blocked on micro-blogs.


In April, in a speech before his ambassador term ended,
he condemned China’s human rights abuses,
suppression of online media and wrongful jailing of
geologist Xue Feng. He also praised Ai Weiwei,
Chen Kuangcheng and other dissidents for daring to
challenging the government for the public’s benefits.

When Hubtsman answered questions from netizens
during the U.S. Embassy’s live webcast in Oct 2010 ,
he said only by giving up authoritarian,
could China achieve real economic and social progress.

Dozens of confidential cables released by WikiLeaks
show that Huntsman was deeply involved with
Obama administration’s policy making regarding
North Korea, Iran, and Internet freedom.

Many conservatives within the Republican Party,
have reservations about Huntsman serving
the Obama administration. To that he answered:
“If our country calls, I’ll serve the country.
I can serve a president from a different political party.”

民主党顾问史雷特(Alex Slater)表示,如果洪博培能够赢得共和党提名,他将成为大选中“白宫唯一敬畏的候选人”。

Democratic consultant Alex Slater said that
if Huntsman can win the Republic nomination
he will become the only candidate
the White House fears, in the general election.

新唐人记者 李元翰吴慧真综合报导
NTD reporters Li Yuanhan and Wu Huizhen
