

改了新域名,换成新品牌,标识(LOGO)也从“红山龙”变成了蓝、黄、黑为基本色彩的七巧板。去年高调问世的搜索引擎“人民搜索”,在结束一整年的漫长测试后,6月20号变身“即刻搜索”, 同时隆重推出网页搜索新平台。






“人民搜索”聘请了曾担任谷歌中国(Google China) 的研究业务高管刘骏,而且千里挑一的招募了约100名员工。刘骏说,搜索引擎除了基本的操作系统LINUX之外,核心的搜索软体几乎都是技术人员自己开发的。





Jike Search: Same Info in New Package

Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s People’s Search
has launched a new website, on June 20.
The new site was re-named Jike (immediate search).
Despite the innovative launching activities,
the search results are still remarkably restricted.
Chinese netizens found CCP propaganda unchanged.

Besides a new website and a new name, its logo
was also changed from Hongshanosaurus to a Tangram.
People’s Search, launched in high-profile last year,
was changed into Jike on June 20. On the same day,
A new web search platform was also launched.

People’s Search was co-funded by CCP People’s Daily
and People Inc, and its website was goso.com,
meaning “the state’s search” in Chinese.
It was once viewed as a notable sign of a national team.

Guosou was abandoned one year after being tested.
It was changed into “Jike”. Internet experts think that
People’s Search intended to change its old image of
a state-controlled media by changing its website.
Its new logo Tangram was promoted with
popular adjectives to appeal to the young.

Wall Street Journal commented that People’s Search
didn’t make any profits after one year of being tested.
Its general manager Deng Yaping said earlier,
“Fulfilling the state duty is what is important to us.”

What kind of duty “the state search” fulfills?

Netizens’ new tests show that People’s Search
didn’t change much with its new website.
Many sensitive key words are still censored.
When searching “Tiananmen Massacre” on jike.com,
the results are pictures of Nanjing Massacre.
If search Falun Gong, you get CCP’s slanders.
When searching Jasmine Revolution,
you get articles about CCP’s stability maintenance.
Overall, it’s only a change in form but not in content.

People’s Search has hired Google China’s ex-director
Liu Jun and 100 carefully selected employees.
Liu Jun said, except for its operating system LINUX,
the search engine’s core software is developed internally.

On June 20, ICANN (Internet Corporation for
Assigned Names and Numbers) approved its plan
to reform Internet domain names in Singapore.
It allows people to freely register their domain names,
to reflect the unlimited possibility of imagination.

Therefore, the Internet has entered a new era.
Starting from January 2011, the domain names will
no longer be limited to “.com", “.org" or country codes.
New domain names can end with any letter.
Some names may have been censored by the CCP.
Internet experts believe CCP censorship will continue.

Chinese netizens said, People’s Search’s technology
is used to censor sensitive words or info.
The same technology can be used in other places.

NTD reporters Shang Yan and Sun Ning
