【禁闻】暗讽薄熙来 重庆人被劳教









北京一位不方便署名的律师也表示,“告知书”所依据的收容劳动教养条例第十条第四项:“聚众斗殴、寻衅滋事、煽动闹事等扰乱社会治安。不构成刑事处分的收容劳动教养。” 实际上与被劳教人的行为根本就对不上号。






A Prison Term for One Innuendo?

Chongqing resident, Fang Hong, was sentenced to
one year in a labor camp for his innuendo of Bo Xilai
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Secretary of
Chongqing. They said Fang damaged the legal system.

On April 21, Fang micro-blogged an article on the
Tencent Weibo website to mock Bo Xilai.
Fang referred to Bo as the “King of Chongqing.”

Because of his satirical blog, Fang got into trouble.
The following day, an Internet monitoring bureau
told Fang to delete every article on his blog, which
he did. Then the Chongyi police started to monitor
him, 24/7 and cut off his electricity and gas. They also
took away his computer, without a search warrant.

Xinjiang-based human rights activist:
“Bo always claims his approach won the hearts of the
people. So today, the people blogged their true feelings.
I hope he can take all the dirt.”

On June 5, Fang Di, Fang Hong’s son, said that on
April 24, Fuling District police, in Chongqing held a
meeting and decided that Fang should be re-educated
through labor for a year, Voice of America reported.

On May 24, at midnight, Fang Di was summoned to
the local police station where he received a
“hearing notice.” Fang Hong was required to submit
a hearing application to the Chongqing Labor
Reeducation Administration Committee within
two days. Otherwise, his rights would be forfeited.

As it turned out, Fang Di was not able to arrange for
legal aid in time to submit his hearing application,
as he was notified about the hearing on May 24.
Thus, he only had 1 day to prepare for the hearing.

Netizen Zhang Jianzhong: “This is the difference
between a democracy and an authoritarian state.
People are not allowed to criticize dictators, which is
a major obstacle to the freedom of expression.”

Fang Hong has been “re-educated” for one month.
Fang Di said the whole “legal” process is illegal.

An anonymous Beijing-based lawyer said,
“The reasons cited on the “hearing notification,”
including ‘gang fights’ and ‘disturbing social order’,
are completely different from what Fang Hong did.”

“Fang Hong simply criticized ‘King Bo Xilai’s’
contempt of the rule of law. According to the law,
citizens have the right to supervise their officials.
Regardless of Fang’s approach, his actions have
nothing to do with the reasons cited in the notification.”

Bo Xilai has been promoting “singing red songs,"
which has been widely ridiculed by the people.

Jinan resident: “I’ve been through the Cultural
Revolution. I find ‘singing Communist red songs’
laughable, as they have long been cast aside by the
Chinese. Bo is ridiculous for still doing such things.”

Fang Hong’s blog contained people’s ridicules of Bo,
which officials did not want to hear. Fang’s case is a
CCP warning to others. The lawyer said that
It further damages the rule of law. Imprisoned lawyer,
Li Zhuang, is finishing his term.
He was previously persecuted by Chongqing officials,
who want to make people afraid of speaking out.

NTD reporters Shang Yan and Guo Jing
