【禁闻】六•四临近抗议起 北京现告解放军书





而电影记录片“流亡”, 21号在日本东京举行了日文版的首映式。这是一部纪念6•4、22周年的电影,有数百人参加了首映会。当影片里出现荷枪实弹的军人向手无寸铁的北京市民开枪,市民背着负伤的青年学生呼喊“救人”“救护车”的历史镜头时,很多观众流出了热泪。





纪念6.4活动还出现在欧洲,一项主题为《今年6•4, 聚焦反共!》的倡议书中写道:6•4过去22年了,中国的民主人权运动却在往后退,直接原因:治标不治本。我们不能再默认中共伪政府代表我们了!因此今年六四纪念的主题:聚焦反共!


书中写道:“1989年,这个党为了一家一姓的利益,开天辟地的在全世界的注视下,在天安门广场屠杀手无寸铁的请愿学生们, 给病入膏肓的政权做了一个大手术,又活了20年。到了执政末期的中共,成了政治权贵压榨中国民众迫害民主法治的代言人。”




2011 June 4th: “End CCP”

As June 4 approaches, worldwide activities emerge,
calling for a redress of 1989 June 4th Incident,
and anti-CCP (Chinese Communist Party) ruling.
More surprisingly, “Letters To PLA” appeared

on the streets of Beijing, calling on PLA
to join the Jasmine Revolution.
Victims of the June 4th Incident are implying
that civilian forces are in the making, and this year
the voice who against the Communist dictatorship
are even stronger.

Worldwide commemorations are taking place
as the 22nd anniversary of the June 4th approaches.

Overseas rights activists called on to Chinese people
to come out to the city centre and mourn
for those heroes who died for freedom 22 years ago.

On the day students will remind of June 4 and show
their will for freedom and democracy by Kite-flying.
Hong Kong Alliance is launching a similar activity,
calling on CCP to redress the June 4th Incident.
Since 1993, “Democracy Kite” has been staged
for 18 years in succession.

The documentary “Exile” made its debut in Tokyo
on May 21, with hundreds of people in attendance.
It’s a film commemorating the June 4th Incident
on its 22nd anniversary. Audiences were left in tears
when they saw on screen the armed troops
shooting at the innocent and injured youth,
who were shouting “Save lives!” and “Ambulance!”

Fang Zheng, a victim of the June 4th Incident,
who’s both legs were crippled by a tank,
told an NTD reporter that though voices calling
for redress were high-profile this year,
CCP may not reconcile. The good news
is that he saw Chinese people awakening,
and civic forces were in formation.

Fang Zheng: “The Jasmine Revolution was a signal
that a civic power underlying the society
is in the making. This year came typically
in an intensified manner.
I do suggest that activities of this kind last
until the regime comes to an end.”

China Anti-Political-Persecution Alliance Director
Liu Yinquan agreed on the growing extent of voices.

Liu Yinquan: “As it is gradually realized
that the June 4th Incident is the key
to solving other problems,
more resolute determination will be paid this year
to call on CCP to redress it.”

In Europe, proposal “2011 June 4th: Anti-CCP” said:
“Though 22 years passed since June 4th Incident,
China’s democracy is regressing,
and it is because the core problem is not addressed.
We’ll not stand or endure to be represented by CCP,
and we regard this June as anti-CCP-focused.”

Right opposite of the Beijing Opera House
and the PLA Opera, stands a letter calling for PLA
to back up the Jasmine Revolution.
The letter is titled “Announcement to the PLA”.
and signed as “the majority of Chinese People”.

The letter details: “In 1989, the regime massacred
petitioning students at Tiananmen, right in front
of the world, in the interests of a single individual
sustaining its rule for another 20 years. And today,
at the end of the regime, it became a statement
for officials to persecute people and breach the law.”

“Soldiers, you are the sons of the people,
the sons of your parents, The People’s Army
is not class of hired thugs for CCP’s privileged.

“Dear soldiers, 100 years ago, in Wuchang,
a battalion shot down, and put and end
to the humiliating Qing regime.
Today, we call on you to put an end
to the Chinese Communist Party.”

NTD reporters Zhou Yulin ,Song Feng and Xiao Yan
