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A Russian journalist warned at a forum in Beijing
that if the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
repeated the Soviet Union’s (SU) mistakes
in corruption, repression of dissidents
and ethnic policies, China will disintegrate too.
China issue experts believe the extinction
of CCP is irreversible.
It is the best to disintegrate it with no trace.

A forum “Democracy in Multi-Ethnic Society”
has concluded in Beijing. Participants were
Russian and Chinese scholars
with official backgrounds.

Shevchenko, a well-known journalist
and commentator, and other Russian scholars,
criticized ethnic policy of SU. Shevchenko warned
that China might repeat the SU’s fate.

Shevchenko hosted political talk shows
on Russian TV and radio. He said disintegration
of SU had two reasons. First was the corruption
of the Party, the second was the persecution
of dissidents, or “conspirators” against the SU.

China used SU-style methods on Xinjiang
and the Dalai Lama. Shevchenko suggested
to learn from SU’s disintegration,
or else the unification of China will not be eternal.

Parchilinishqa, an independent political
commentator in Russia, said China is more like SU.
For example, SU ignored the people’s livelihood,
emphasizing the economic construction
at people’s expense. similar to what China does.
Policies on ethnic minorities in Xinjiang and Tibet,
and dissidents, are also the same as those of SU.

Guo Guoting, human rights lawyer and writer,
thinks that among the 90 communist parties
in the world, 44 ceased power. Now China,
Vietnam, Korea, Cuba and Laos remain.
The fundamental reason is communism itself,
which is ailing. Communists persecute dissidents,
political prisoners. “Secret police” are everywhere.
Communists destroy the rule of law, creating terror
with violence, genocide, looting churches,
“cleaning dissidents,” etc. The CCP went to extremes
in all these areas, and will fall undoubtedly.

Guo Guoting said: “Now only CCP holds power.
It is based on the so called economic development,
which is also why Deng Xiaoping proposed
‘development is the last word’. If the economy
fell in crisis or in a mess, the regime won’t survive.”

Su Ming, former professor in Beijing University
and historian, said in the “3 Decade Reform”
the people are the victims, and CCP officials
are the biggest beneficiary. In China now the gap
between rich & poor is growing, political corruption
is at an all-time high, civil liberties and rights
are often violated, and economic success
is only by fraud. There is a contradiction
between ruling and opposition parties.

Su Ming: “A report entitled ‘2010 Annual Report
of China Crisis Management’ in Shanghai,
Jiao Tong University said that in 2010,
on average, a major disturbance or riot
occurred every five days; a group protest
occurred every 2.5 minutes.”

Su said this indicates that it is possible at any time
now in China to break out a nationwide wave
of uprisings and revolution. Historically,
this happens in the eve of a dynasty’ collapse.

Tang Baiqiao, Chinese human rights activist said,
disintegration of CCP by Falun Gong practitioners,
is enlightening to the world. Quitting the CCP,
distributing the “Nine Commentaries”, Shen Yun,
breaking the Internet blockade,
has reached every corner of the globe.
Quitting the CCP purifies souls.

Tang Baiqiao said that this war with no smoke,
conquers the enemy with no fighting, leading
to CCP’s disintegration. Now the CCP is embattled,
vulnerable to attack. This is closely related
to the distribution of the “Nine Commentaries”
the campaign to “Quit the CCP”,
and the breaking of China’s Internet blockade.

NTD reporters Song Feng and Xiao Yan
