【禁闻】“集结号”吹响 上海访民闯北京












廖祖笙是闽籍作家,定居广东多年。当过兵,经过商,上过大学,作过编辑、记者,以笔杆立过军功,有多部作品出版,并在多家报刊开设过专栏。廖祖笙在发表一篇题为《严禁尸体买卖 促人深思和感伤》的文章后第二天,他的儿子廖梦君在校园惨遭杀害。



Shanghainese Petitioners Gather in Beijing

For a long time, on every last Friday of the month,
Shanghainese petitioners would go to Beijing.
On April 29, over 1,500 petitioners from Shanghai
gathered again in front of the State Petition Office,
denouncing the government’s unjust treatment of
the victims of forced evictions.

On Friday, April 29, there were more petitioners
from Shanghai than usual. As always,
they weren’t received by the Petition Office officials.

Petitioner Tan Lanying: I am at State Petition Office.
We’ve over 1,500 Shanghainese petitioners in Beijing.
The officials didn’t receive us!
They said they would have meetings in the afternoon,
whereas we came in the morning.
The authorities took petitioners’ houses away.
So many people want their justice.

Having wasted their efforts,
angry petitioners took to the streets.

Tan: We are singing Internationale when marching.
We are marching towards the Tiananmen Square.

Petitioners say that many hotels don’t accept them.
They think Shanghainese authorities pressured them.
The police in Beijing arrest people in hotels in Beijing.
Petitioners have no choice but to live on the streets.

Petitioner Zhang Wen: Hotels listen to your accent.
If seeing you are from Shanghai, they won’t take you.
The poor petitioners have to live on the streets.
We sit for one night to wait for Friday to come.
Then we go to petition together.

Regarding the petitions, author Liao Zusheng
believes that there is no real development in China.
Through plundering the people, the communist party
(CCP) fabricates appearances of prosperity.

Liao: Under the prosperous appearance,
people’s actual living condition is very difficult.
people are exploited and enslaved.
So there are so many petitioners.
You see skyscrapers in many cities. However,
they started with forced demolitions and lootings.

The CCP’s slogan is “All for stability". Liao believes,
the “unstable" factors are from CCP itself.

Liao: The largest source of destabilization is CCP.
Its so-called “stability maintenance” is using rogue ways
instead of solving problems, to suppress the issues.
It obeys no law and has no morals.
They would use machine guns to suppress a scholar.

Liao is from Fujian and has settled in Guangdong.
He has been a soldier, merchant, editor and reporter.
He published a number of books and had columns
on several newspapers.
After publishing an article “No trading of corpses”,
on the next day, his son Liao Mengjun
was murdered at school.

Liao said that since writing “sensitive" articles
in March, his Internet has been cut off.

NTD reporters Zhang Lina ,Li Anan and Li Ruolin
