【禁闻】德国汉学家访华 遭北京“拒签”

【新唐人2011年4月1日讯】德国著名汉学家史蒂曼(Tilman Spengler),原本计划这周随同德国外长访华,但是他的签证申请遭到中共当局拒绝。史蒂曼说,中共外交部认为他“不是中国人民的朋友”。中国民主党创办人之一秦永敏接受本台记者采访表示,史蒂曼恰恰是中国人民的朋友,但不是中共的朋友,因此中共才拒发签证给他。

3月30号德国汉学家史蒂曼(Tilman Spengler)向《德新社》表示,他申请中国入境签证遭到拒绝。









而德国社民党外交事务专家罗尔夫•米岑尼希(Rolf Mützenich)认为,外长的陪同人员遭到中方邀请"出局",给韦斯特韦勒这次访华之行蒙上阴影,也是不好的兆头。


罗尔夫•米岑尼希 这位社民党政治家接受《德新社》采访时,建议外长韦斯特韦勒访华时,要与中方谈起史蒂曼遭拒签一事。


“Not a Friend to Chinese People”

Renowned German Sinologist Tilman Spengler
had planned to accompany German Foreign Minister
on his visit to China, but was denied a visa.
Spengler says that the communist party does not
consider him “a friend of Chinese People”.
According to Qin Yongmin,
co-founder of the China Democracy Party,
Spengler is a friend of the Chinese people,
not a friend of the Chinese Communist Party.

Tilman Spengler said to DPA that the visa was denied
because the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs
consider him “not a friend to Chinese people”.

Renowned Sinologist and widely published author,
Spengler awarded the imprisoned Chinese author
Liu Xiaobo the Hermann-Kesten-Medaille last Sept.

“The German scholar is not a friend
of Chinese people? I think it’s just the opposite.
Such action (denying visa)is totally unreasonable.
It has to do with the fact
that the CCP mistreats its people at will."

German Foreign Minister Westerwelle is due to open
the yearlong German “Art of the Enlightenment"
exhibition at the National Museum of China.
“Most Chinese government officials need the
enlightenment of freedom, equality,
and fraternity”, said Spengler to Deutsche Welle.

According to Qin Yongmin, Germany, as well as
the entire world, suffered from the Nazi regime.
China could possible bring the same misfortune
to the world if it does not become democratized.

“A tyranny can reign at will with absolute power.
Most people within the system are in favor of the
democratization of China. Although very minor,
if the autocracy remains, we “cannot rule out"
a possibility of fascistization of the CCP regime"

Qin calls for more diplomatic pressure on Beijing
from the German Foreign Minister,
to request immediate release of jailed dissidents
such as Liu Xianbin and Liu Xiaobo.

German SPD foreign relations expert Rolf Mützenich
believes the ban on a delegation member will have
negative effects on Westerwelle’s visit to China.

Mützenich said to Deutche Welle that the entry ban
on Spengler showed that criticizing China
for its human rights record is far from enough.

Mützenich suggested during a DPA interview
that Westerwelle needs to bring up
the entry ban of Spengler
during his conversation with Chinese leaders.

NTD reporters Chang Chun, Zhouping and Xue Li.
