美味三絲炒烏冬 家庭簡單做法(視頻)


MamaCheung’s yaki udon, stir fry noodles with pork and vegetables. Perfect for packed lunch.

材料 Ingredients:

四包烏冬(八百克) 800g udon noodles
兩棵西芹切絲 2 celery, shred
一棵甘筍切絲 1 carrot, shred
一個洋蔥切絲 1 onion, shred
二百克蒸熟鹹豬肉切幼條(用豉油,豆粉,糖醃) 200g cooked pork strips

調味料 Condiments:

三件蒜頭切碎 3 clove of garlic, finely chopped
一湯匙半生抽 1.5tbsp soy sauce
兩湯匙老抽 2tbsp dark soy sauce
半茶匙雞粉 1/2tsp chicken powder
兩茶匙砂糖 2tsp sugar
少許五香粉 some five spice powder
一茶匙麻油 1tsp sesame oil
半茶匙幼鹽 1/2tsp salt


