【禁聞】高考改革 負擔未減公平未增





蘇州某中學教師袁雪成:「 高考指揮棒的作用,對中學,小學,甚至幼兒園的影響太大。為甚麼呢?因為高考,比如說,你這樣考後面肯定要影響到怎麼教,怎麼學,怎麼複習這個問題。然後初中,小學也跟著它,甚至幼兒園也跟著它。我以後要高考的,我就要照這方面學之類的,這個影響太大。」






陝西國企職工李毓:「 所有好的政策,在這種環境下,在這種人心已經不古的,道德底線一再被突破的大環境下,很多良好的舉措都不可能最終收到你預期的效果。 我總覺得,現在全國像一盤亂棋,任何事情都是錯綜複雜的。假如你就是找到制度的根源,但是制度你又怎麼去恢復它呢?」


香港媒體評論說,這種朝令夕改式的改革,被一小部份輿論左右,受既得利益階層所綁架。 而最大的不幸就是莘莘學子,他們疲於應付、疲於奔命。

採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/蕭宇

Will New College Entrance Exam Bring Reform?

Sept 4, the party’s State Council announced a reform plan
on the College Entrance Examination (CEE),
which includes 10 moves.

Among them are increasing the number of provinces
that employ unified exam papers,
decreasing projects that offer bonus points on sports and art,
stopping the differentiation of liberal arts and science,
and the total CEE score being composed of 3 required subjects
and 3 optional subjects from the Academic High School Test.

Some middle school teachers commented that the reform
might be beneficial but won’t completely change
the disadvantages of the exam-oriented education system;
neither will it realize fair competition among candidates.

The conspicuous point in the reform plan is the “3+3″ plan.
The total CEE score will be the sum scores
of the 3 required subjects
“Chinese", “Mathematics" and “Foreign Language"
from the unified national CEE
and scores of another 3 optional subjects
from the High School Academic Test.

“Chinese", “Mathematics" and “Foreign Language"
will stay the same in the new CEE system,
but the exam on ‘Foreign Language"
will be offered twice instead of once.

For the other 3 subjects, students can choose from
Politics, History, Geography, Physics, Chemistry or Biology.

The new system will be tested in Shanghai and Zhejiang
this year.

It』ll apply to the high school students who enroll this autumn.

The experiences in Shanghai and Zhejiang will serve
as a reference to other provinces.

Yuan Xuecheng, a mainland middle school teacher
said that even if the reform may be beneficial,
it won’t completely change the disadvantages of the
examination-oriented education system.

Yuan Xuecheng: “The CEE system severely influences
middle school, elementary,and even kindergarten education.
For example, how CEE will be tested will influence
how teachers teach, how students learn and
review the knowledge in all the pre-high school education.
It’s like I am going to be tested in the CEE
so I need to study this way.
The influence is very significant."

Yuan said that the CEE should be determined by
pre-high school education; it shouldn’t be the other way round.
He said public schools should just follow a teaching syllabus
instead of aiming at the CEE.

Li Yu, working in a state-run enterprise,
has a child who will take the CEE next year.

Li stated that even if the reform plan has advantages,
as long as the political system is not reformed,
it won’t eradicate the problem essentially.

It will end up being fruitless.

If there is no freedom in education
and the exam-oriented education system continues,
all these reforms are only scratching the surface.

As for promoting fairness and equity,
the reform proposes to increase the enrollment rate
in the densely-populated provinces in the middle-west.

As for taking the exam from different provinces,
the reform proposes to increase the number of provinces
that employ national unified exam papers.

In this way, students can take the exam in various places.

Wang Hongbin, a teacher from “Xue Er Si CEE Research Center",
said that right now Beijing is using “Beijing CEE papers"
and all other provinces aren’t using Beijing’s exam papers.

Beijing’s policy is combined with the household registration

Children of those who work in Beijing but registered
can’t take the CEE in Beijing but vocational college
entrance exams.

So it’s hard for students from other provinces
to take the CEE in Beijing.

How to ensure fair competition and relieve students’ workload?

In China, these two targets produce conflicting results.

The way “one exam determines a person’s whole life"
really gives students tremendous pressure.

But, if the CEE refers to students’ everyday performance,
it』ll be a lot easier for those who hold power and wealth
to indulge in corrupt practices.

Li Yu stated that all problems and conflicts regarding CEE

Li Yu: “In this environment, when public morality
is not what it used to be and the moral bottom line
has dropped again and again,
all good policies can’t be as effective as you’d expect.
I feel like right now the whole country is in a chaos.
A lot of things are complicated and entangled together.
When tracking back to the source of the regime,
how can you fix it then?"

Li Yu also stated that the only way to solve the problem is to
stop government from monopolizing education resources.

Private schools should be promoted.

Education resources should be evenly distributed
instead of being centralized.

Thus, children living in remote and isolated areas
can enjoy basic education resources as well.

Hong Kong media commented that
the constantly changing reform
is influenced by a small group of people
and is also being hi-jacked by interest groups.

The least fortunate are the students who struggle to keep up.

Interview & Edit/Qinxue Post-Production/XiaoYu
