【禁聞】歐巴馬訪亞太四國 聯合抵抗中共?








東京「上智大學」政治學教授中野浩一(Koichi Nakano)也判斷:「美國會留在這裡,並且有濃厚的興趣和這些國家一起應付中國。」




採訪編輯/唐音 後製/陳建銘

Is Obama Joining Asia Allies to Stand Against Chinese Communist Party?

U.S. President Barack Obama is visiting Japan.

This is the first stop in his four-nation
Asia visit from April 23 to 29.
His reiteration of the US-Japan Security Treaty is
interpreted that the US is forming allies in the region.
These relationships stand against the Chinese
Communist Party intention’s to break international laws.
Let’s take a look at our experts analysis.

President Obama’s four-nation tour includes
Japan, South Korea, Philippines and Malaysia.
He met with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on April 24.
It is reported that peace and security in the
Asia-Pacific region is the focus of Obama’s trip.

Wu Fan, political commentator: “His purpose
is to protect Japan and restrain the Chinese
Communist regime from attacking in the region.
The US has to intervene if conflict
erupts, but no one wants a war.
Therefore, it would be desirable to maintain a status
quo. It attempts to soothe Japan without irritating Beijing.
The CCP is anxious to compete for a leading
role with Japan, by pushing the US away."

U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel
visited Beijing between April 8 and 10.
This was two weeks before Obama’s four-nation visit.

Hagel said in a public speech in Beijing that
to, develop a new model of military-to-military
relations, the U.S. believes its approach should
be to build a sustained and substantive dialogue.

This is to deepen practical cooperation
in areas of common interests.
It is to manage competition and manage
differences through openness and communication.

Wu Fan: “Obama’s Asia trip is to unite the
four countries – Japan, Korea, The Philippines
and Malaysia in order to resist China together.
However, China is trying to connect with Malaysia
and South Korea through economic benefits.
It knows that it can’t attract
The Philippines and Japan."

Before departing, Obama told Japan’s Yomiuri Shimbun
that the United States opposes any unilateral attempts
to undermine Japan’s administration of these islands.

He also stressed that in accordance with the
US-Japan Security Treaty, if Japan is attacked,
the United States is obliged to provide defense.

He insisted that, disputes need to be resolved through
dialogue and diplomacy, not intimidation and coercion.

Lan Su, NTD commentator: “Obama’s
visit is prominent for this reason.
The US-Japan Security Treaty is the
foundation of the U.S. Pacific policies.
Geographically speaking, Japan’s
strategic position is very important.
It is an outpost between the entire
free world and totalitarianism.
For the security of Japan, and to strengthen
US-Japan relations, the US has maintained
the most fundamental values of the free world."

Associated Press reported that, “America is here to stay.
It is going to keep a strong interest in dealing with China
together with those countries", said Koichi Nakano, a
political science professor at Tokyo’s Sophia University.

China’s foreign ministry said on
Wednesday that it opposed the US stance.
State-run media also commented
with warnings aimed towards the US.

Lan Su: “The conflict between the CCP and the
Chinese people has reached an unprecedented level.
The hype over the Diaoyu Islands issue has a certain
value to the CCP for ‘maintaining it’s stability’ in society.
Any acts of aggression could become the
target of the CCP to divert its domestic tension.
That’s why every country has been careful."

AP reported on a report released last week by U.S. Senate
Foreign Relations Committee, which urged that more effort
and money be devoted to upgrading Asia-Pacific alliances.

“A successful rebalance must underscore the
strategic message that the policy represents an
enduring U.S. commitment to the region, assuring
our partners that we are in it for the long haul."

Interview & Edit/Tang Yin Post-Production/Chen Jianming
