
【新唐人2013年12月10日訊】國際知名製片人奧娜 (Eva Orner)最新執導的記錄片《有線電視網》(The Network),在中國大陸遭到審查。奧娜日前接受媒體專訪時,披露了被刪內容。她指出,中共要求影片不能提到任何反對共產主義和「親美」的言論。

揪出美軍虐囚共犯結構的影片《計程車司機之死》(Taxi to the Dark Side),2008年獲得了美國「奧斯卡最佳記錄片獎」,製片人奧娜也因此成為名人。奧娜最新執導的記錄片《有線電視網》(The Network),在今年(2013年)的「中國(廣州)國際記錄片節」入選參展,卻遭到主辦方審查。














採訪/常春 編輯/陳潔 後製/李勇

Oscar Winner’s New Film Censored by CCP

The documentary “The Network," recently directed by the
internationally renowned Filmmaker Eva Orner,
experienced censorship in China.

During an interview, Orner disclosed the part’s which were deleted
from the documentary, were at the request of
the Chinese authorities.

The part’s they did not want publishing, were anything denigrating
to the image of CCP and any pro-American remarks,
her interview .

The film “Taxi to the Dark Side " which uncovered U.S. soldiers’
torturing of prisoners in complicity, won the “2008 Oscar
for best documentary" in the U.S.

Filmmaker Orner has also taken on new status within her
profession, recently becoming quite famous.
This year, the documentary “The Network," which was directed
by Orner, was selected for the exhibition in “China (Guangzhou)
International Documentary Festival",

Unfortunately it was not without compromise, as the authorities
decided upon censoring it.

During her interview with “Voice America" on December 6,
Orner said “The Network " is recording it’s first
Afghanistan commercial.

It will be with the television station — Tolo TV

But the organisers have requested they cut two seconds of
recording time from the commercial, which really
left Orner in shock.

“Guangzhou International Documentary Film Festival"
organisers —- Guangdong Provincial Government
and the state Administration of Radio, film and Publication,
all asked Orner to delete “Tolo TV".
One of the Afghanistan staff, a reporter, said the US trip had
changed him after filming in the US.
Thereporter said he only wanted to live freely
without any ideology.
He also said that he doesn’t need Communism nor does he
have need for Jihadism.
China’s Film Festival requested that they delete the sentence of
he doesn’t need Communism.

The documentary “The network" has been broadcast in the
United States and many film festivals.
Orner said that this was the first time her documentary got
reviewed in the film festival.
Finally, she decided not to participate.

Orner told “Voice of America" that, to her surprise, CCP has
no problem with violence and brutal content,
just no anti-Communist and relevant pro-American remarks.

Beijing independent filmmaker Zhu Rikun: “China has strict
censorship rules everywhere.
They censor not only films, but all cultures and Media.
It is quite a common occurrence and is happening
on a regular basis in China."

Beijing independent filmmaker Zhu Rikun pointed out, the
CCP’s censorship is an obscurantism,
with the purpose of not letting the people know the
truth, and to continue ruling over them.

In addition, mainland writer Sha Yexin, said his works are
often examined and forbidden to be played.
It is said, they have much experience and sorrow due
to too much censorship.

Mainland writer Sha Yexin said: I think it’s wrong to delete
this film for such reasons.
I hope the author can stand against such censorship with her
own opinion. Let us work together.
CCP didn’t become the power & controller it is today by
allowing free voice, hence such censorship.

Sha Yexin said, some censorship’s are really ridiculous.
The reason’s behind them, even the judge
knows them to be wrong.
But in order to keep it’s official position, they have to
continue with the censorship.

Some netizens commented: Don’t 90 percent of Chinese say
things like that?–“I do not need Communism,
I do not need jihadists."

Ask the members of the organisers, do they believe
in Communism?
They want the film of an Oscar winner to show a join
of hands, but they are too scared of the so
called sensitive words.

Just look at the insolent Chinese Communist Party, in fact,
it is the weaker of the performers.

Continental film director & screenwriter Feng Xiaogang,
publicly expressed opposition to the Chinese
film censorships.

During an interview by the British newspaper, The Guardian,
at a film festival in Los Angeles, Feng made his
thoughts quite clear.

Feng pointed out, restrictive measures are not only ridiculous,
they are also very damaging to one’s work and
one’s artistic freedom of expression.

There is much pain when censorship occurs, giving the director
a hard time too.

In China, under the CCP’s harsh censorship, the director who
dares to expose the CCP’s atrocities, often faces
many limitations.

This year, the “New York Times" freelance photo-journalist
Du Bin, was detained on charges of,
“suspicion of disturbing public order" due to a torture

documentary “Above the Ghosts’ Head", exposing Liaoning
Masanjia Women’s Labor Camp & the publication of
“Tiananmen Square Massacre".

The night of July 8, Du Bin was released from police cells having
been detained & missing for a total of 38 days’.
Du Bin exposed the CCP, asking him to be on call night
and day throughout the year.
Police also warned Du Bin during detainment, that he could
easily be made to re-visit the detention centre
at any time.

Interview/ChangChun Edit/ChenJie Post-Production/LiYong
