








網傳「三中」會場內部發生激烈爭吵,一些不具名的網絡神秘人士發出博文透露,「經過一天唇槍舌劍,擊碎了一個曾經的絆腳石」、「第一天會議結束,有人不大高興,原因不詳」 、「本來號稱要開闢新時代,結果大內訌,週一股市必跌。」更有傳聞說,習近平和中紀委書記王岐山在會議上遭質疑,指責他們將反貪搞成鬥爭。





採訪編輯/劉惠 後製/陳建銘

Third Plenary Session’s Message Reveals the Reform
Is Only to Fool People

The outcome of the recently concluded Chinese Communist
Party (CCP) Third Plenary Session, 18th Central Committee
is all about strengthening the CCP’s leadership.

Even the reform it talks about is for the party’s regime.

Commentators indicated the outcome revealed
the mystery of the CCP’s Third Plenary Session.
Experts pointed out that the comprehensive reform to take
China into a new era widely advertised by CCP propaganda
before the Third Plenary Session was only to fool people.
The CCP’s real purpose is to distribute wealth in peace.

The Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee
(The Session) just concluded in Beijing.
Beforehand official media frequently advertised the meeting.

It seemed after the secrete four-day meeting,
China’s reform would go down a new road.

However, the content of The Session was very different to
what the media have indicated.
The message declared that the most important task is to stick
to the leadership of the CCP, implement the CCP’s basic path.
Not to take the old and rigid path and not to take the
“evil path" of changing the leading flag.
The military needs to work toward the target of establishing
a people’s wining army that listens to the CCP.
Reform needs to fully follow the CCP’s leadership and
coordination.Meanwhile, public ownership is the main body.

New York City University political science professor
Xia Ming: “The CCP’s extreme hypocrisy covers up its
extreme brazenness. In fact, this is a political show.

The core is power monopoly and wealth accumulation, so
that they have money and resources anytime and anywhere.
Their basic objective is to have a luxury life."

Five days before The Session, 334 provincial and ministry
level officials were put under a kind of “house arrest"
at the CCP’s Party School on the outskirts of Beijing.

They studied Xi Jinping’s speech for days.

They were not allowed to visit anyone in the evening,
as they had to continue to read Xi’s speech.
Everyone must express their opinions to pass the evaluation.

On the other hand, CCP official media did not reveal any video
clips of The Session; no report of The Session made the news.

All media assisted this by printing commentary articles.

People’s Daily published an article on the front page:
“A New Historical Starting Point of the China’s Road,
supplemented by Reform And Opening Up, Sustain
Development Vitality".
People’s Daily’s Overseas Edition published “Sing the Story
of Spring Again", intending to convey The Session’s
strengthening of reform.

Global Times, Liberation Daily, Beijing Youth Daily, etc.
published the same day with similar articles praising the reform.

Sheng Xue, Chinese writer living in Canada: “On one hand the
CPP has fierce internal struggles and it certainly does not want
the outside world to see it.

On the other hand, they are very clear they are currently in a
serious contradiction and conflict.
They certainly want to first clarify these issues and
how to tackle them.
If they could not hold up any more, what could they do?
All these are secrets to them."

Netizens commented online that there were fierce arguments
during The Session.
One mysterious netizen stated on his microblog: “After a day
of arguing, a road block was smashed."
“After Day One, someone was not happy for unknown reason.”

“Originally it claimed to open up a new era,
but it ended in big internal conflicts.
The stock market will fall on Monday."

It was even rumored that Xi Jinping and secretary of the
Central Discipline Inspection Wang Qishan were questioned
at the meeting, accused of making anti-corruption as fighting.

Former CCP Party Secretary Jiang Zemin’s rule by corruption,
the persecution of Falun Gong repression, and economic policy
imbalance led China into a huge crisis.

Xi Jinping immediately conducted rectification
after taking office.
He repeatedly asked localities to obey “central authority."

Li Keqiang also repeatedly referred to “Cutting Warrior’s Arm."

At the same time, Wang Qishan opens up the path for Xi and Li
via anti-corruption.
The 12 officials who were dismissed after the 18th Congress
were almost all from Jiang Zemin’s fraction.

The outside world thinks Xi and Li had to conduct the
so-called reform fearing the CCP’s collapse.
But Xi and Li’s emphasize on the Deep-Water Zone of the
reform is now the excuse of halting, being widely criticized.

Commentator Lan Shu: “Not being able to resolve conflicts
is because the CCP does not want to step down.
They could not resolve the conflicts,
so they talked about Deep-Water Zone."

China’s media professional Luo Changping commented on
The Session using an analogy of monkeys longing for bonus
to describe people being fooled by the so-called reform.

Outside media commented that if the comprehensive reform
has committed bonus of 100% and 200%, The Session can only
give 30%.

The Peoples’ hatred and madness would be much more than that.

NTD reporter/LiuHui Post priduction/ChenJianmin
