【禁聞】上海自貿區除網禁 網民嘆「特供」

【新唐人2013年09月25日訊】上海自貿區網禁 網民嘆「特供」









四川職校管理不善 兩千學生罷課抗議










Shanghai Free Trade Zone Will Lift Internet Censorship

The Shanghai Free Trade Area (SFTA) is described
as symbolizing China’s new economic reform.
It will be opened at the end of September.

Sources suggest China will lift censorship in the SFTA,
and foreign “politically sensitive” websites will be accessible.

Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post reported that
people in the SFTA can view “politically sensitive” websites.
This includes the two major social
networks Facebook and Twitter.
It also includes The New York Times,
and other newspaper websites.

The report cited an insider who works in the regime.

SFTA management will invite foreign telecom
companies to bid for SFTA internet service licenses.

The report said that due to the sensitive nature
of the news, this insider requested anonymity.
The source said that if the SFTA can attract
foreign investment, and let foreigners live well,
it must have a suitable living environment.

Thus it is essential to open up the internet.

However, the lift of censorship policy can only be used
within SFTZ, the rest places in China remains unchanged.

This news provoked quick responses on the internet.

Many netizens mocked the SFTA as a “New International
Internet Settlement”, and “Internet Special Supplement”.
They criticized the CCP for treating foreigners considerately,
and yet never acting the same way towards its own citizens.
Netizens mocked and suggested changing China’s
name to the “People’s Republic of Foreigners”.

Some netizens said that the Chinese people have
eagerly looked forward to the lifting of censorship.
In the end, it is just to build an image for foreigners.

Some netizens recalled what happened in the old
Shanghai; “Chinese people and dogs were not allowed”.
They said that they no longer felt like human beings.

Sichuan Technical College Students On Strike

On September 24, Students in Mianyang
Technical College were on strike in Sichuan Province.
Nearly two thousands students protest against college’ poor management.

Radio Free Asia reported that students gathered in hallway
and playground of the college.
They protest against the water and
electricity supply are often cut.
In addition, the canteen’s hygiene was very bad,
the food is too expensive.

The college management denied the strike has happened.

The local education bureau claimed that just minority
of students to incite strike.

Guangdong Villagers Protest Against Police Killing Villager

On September 23, armed police violently suppressed
villagers in Lianjiang City, Guangdong Province.
10 villagers were injured, and many were arrested.

Overseas Chinese pro-democracy website
‘molihua.org’ reported on the incident.
On September 22, police in Cheban Township in
Lianjiang City went to Xiedi village to arrest people.
A 54-year-old man was beaten to death.

Police worried the incident would be exposed.

They removed the corpse at night
in order to destroy the evidence.

On the 23 September, villagers from Xiedi
village and neighboring villages surrounded
Cheban Towhship police station.

They were seeking for justice, and
requesting the return of the corpse.
It attracted thousands of onlookers.

The local regime sent several hundred
police and armed police to suppress villagers.
Dozens of villagers were beaten and injured,
Including the deceased mans wife and daughter.
Tens of villagers were taken away by police.
