【禁聞】中共媒體圍毆蘋果 幕後原因解密















採訪/易如 編輯/張天宇 後製/鍾元

Why is CCP’ Media Attacking Apple?

Recently, Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) official media
renewed its attacks on the US company Apple Inc..
This is seen as another round of foreign firms’ suppression
by the CCP, similar to its actions against Yum! and Google.
However, this move is heavily criticized
by many Chinese netizens.
They remarked that CCP authorities are paying more
attention to Apple than to the dead pigs in Huangpu River,
showing that CCP’s regime is not focusing
on the most important issues.

On March 15, the International Day for Protecting
Consumers’ Rights, the CCTV broadcast a lengthy program,
where it accused the Apple Inc. of suspected
defrauding and discriminating against Chinese consumers.
Three days later, People’s Daily, Xinhua News Agency and
other CCP’ media successively criticized Apple’s customer service and guarantee policy.
Apple was thus pushed
to the forefront of media attention.

Jason Ma, NTD’s special economic commentator: ”CCP
is seizing the opportunity to incite nationalism’ sentiments.
In the meantime, it also intends to suppress Apple’s surging
business in China, mostly according to economic reasons.”

However, an online survey conducted by China’s Caijing
magazine shows, the propaganda campaign has had little effect on Chinese consumers’ opinions.
Most Chinese still think that the quality of Apple’s
after-sales service is far better than that of domestic or other foreign mobile phone companies.

Mr. Zhang, commercial agent of Beijing Zhongguancun
Apple Store: ”In China the (CCP’s) media always ignore what they should report,
meanwhile making careless reports on other trivial issues.
Apple’s after-sales service is already the best.
For most other companies, exchanging or returning
is not available only three days after purchase.
However, you can do this freely in one year
after you purchase any Apple cell phone.
Even now we are selling very well, better than any other
brand. Whatever they report, our store is still very hot.”

Why does the CCP suppress Apple?

Commentators say the answer can be easily figured out
by finding those who will benefit most from the campaign.

Jason Ma: ”Several Chinese cell phone companies such as
Huawei now rank around 3rd or 4th in the global market.
They hope to sell more products in China but can hardly
achieve this in the race for technology and product quality.
In such a situation, the CCP chooses to suppress Apple
through media attack to benefit Huawei and other companies that are closely related to the CCP.
They are offered some extra opportunities
by this unfair campaign against Apple.”

Another analysis article wrote, if the sales of Apple drop
due to this media attack,
then other Chinese manufacturers of smart phones
will benefit most, including Lenovo, Huwei and ZTE.

Some non-Chinese media further reviewed, this is not
the first CCP’ media massive attack against foreign firms.
KFC, McDonald’s, Metro AG, Starbucks, Wal-Mart,
Carrefour were all once victims of similar campaigns.
Even Google, the Internet search engine giant, was forced
to exit China in 2009, after being attacked by the official media for “disseminating obscene information.”

Jason Ma: ”In fact the CCP was attempting to cow Google
in submission, although Google had cooperated with CCP’s requirement of information blocking for a while.
Afterwards Google made a high-profile announcement
of exiting China, essentially because it did not want to do information monitoring anymore.”

Therefore, the CCP’s successive media attack against Apple
is called by the Chinese “a well-known trick.”

Mr. Lan, Chinese netizen: ”Whenever the CCP attacks
something, there must be a purpose behind the move.
CCP’s “revealing” things can be a well-designed measure,
as it always has an ulterior motive in doing “good.”
By employing political powers, those companies can well
protect their benefits among the mood of nationalism.
In the meantime, the party can strengthen
the legitimacy of its regime.”

Some netizens remarked, the CCP authority failed to offer
any solution to the civil livelihood issues recently exposed.
Thus CCP media’ attack against Apple is probably related
to people’s uprising wrath, to distract their attention.

However, Taiwanese actress Annie Yi’s microblog
has drawn great attention from Chinese civilians.
Yi wrote, “Apple and dead pigs, which tastes worse?
Apple and mile powder, which is harder to manage?
Apple and air, which is dirtier? Apple and water, which is
more polluted? In this world there is something called ‘out of focus’.”
