








俞梅蓀:「後來我到了中南海,從事立法工作以後,覺得系統工程特別重要。我下了很大的功夫。後來我作為國家軟科學系統工程項目科學組組長,對法治系統下了很大功夫,論文有好幾萬字。得到專家學者官方民間各方面的充分肯定。比李克強提出的系統工程要前進一大步了。 」






採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/肖顏

Former High Cadre Appeals to CCP’s New Leaders

A former secretary of the State Council Yu Meisun
wrote to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) new leaders,
Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang during the National People’s
Congress (NPC), asking for help to clear his grievances.
However, the letter ended up in the hands
of the Letters and Visits Office.
Yu Meisun engaged in legislative work under the leadership
of high CCP officials, like Peng Zhen, Wan Li and Qiao Shi.
Netizens commented, if somebody like Yu Meisun,
a legislator, can’t get justice, what hope can the rest have.

Yu Meisun stated in his letter to the NPC’s chair committee:
“In March 1993, Wang Jienan, chairman of Wenwenpo’s
Beijing Office, asked me for some NPC files, promising
he would not copy or make excerpts from them.”
Yu showed him the files, not expecting Wang and his gang
will copy and submit them to newspaper party committees.

Yu Meisun was framed-up,
and locked up for three years.
Lawyer Jiang Ping, former president of China University
of Political Science and Law, pleaded not guilty for Yu, but the Beijing court dismissed it.
The real thief Wang Jienan continues to be active in Beijing’
media circles, and participated in the “Two Sessions."

Yu Meisun revealed to NTD, during this year’s NPC he put
the appealing letters in the express mail box, while monitored, one to Xi Jinping, the other to Li Keqiang.
But both letters ended up
in the Letters and Visits Office.

Yu Meisun: “I mailed them separately via express mail.
Both of them were returned by the Letters and Visits Office.
I noted on the envelope that I was a former secretary
of the State Council, and also wrote a note asking the secretaries to show the letters to the leaders.
But they both became appealing letters.
Even their secretaries did not get them.”

According to Jiang Ping’s defense, Yu Meisun performed
very good in his 10-year work at the Zhongnanhai Compound.
The then Standing Committee vice chairman Xi Zhongxun
thought highly of him and met him in person.

Yu Meisun: “Xi Zhongxun was then NPC’s Vice Chairman.
He took note of me and met me in person to encourage me.”

Yu Meisun graduated in 1984 from Beijing University
Department of Law, one year later than Li Keqiang.
He published many papers,
and won many awards.
While studying, with Keqiang and others they discussed
the legal system, which helped him in his legal career.

Yu Meisun: “Later I went to the Zhongnanhai Compound
and joined the legislative force.
I thought the system architecture is very important.
I spent much time in it.
Later on I was National Soft Science System Architecture
projects’ team leader, working hard for the legal system.
I published papers and got positive reviews by experts.
It was a big step forward on the idea of Li Keqiang.”

China Art Research Institute’ scholar Zhang Yaojie
once wrote about the tragic experience of Yu Meisun.
He said, Yu Meisun is the secretary of Gu Ming,
who used to be the secretary of Zhou Enlai.
Zhou Enlai’s system had a rule, they would not protect you
when they should have. Moreover, they will push you down.
If Gu Ming came forward at that time to help Yu,
he would not have been imprisoned.

After Yu’s release, he found out Wenweipao was protected
by Shanghai City government, where no one would help him.

For the past 16 years, Yu Meisun visited Wenweipao leaders
in Shanghai 16 times, and Wenweipao Beijing office over a dozen times.
The leaders of Wenweipao Beijing office
refused to address his issue.

Yu Meisun wrote in his letter: “I was often harassed
during my appealing in Shanghai. My hardships continue.
I was illegally suppressed by the police
and grassroots level government agencies in Shanghai.
I was wronged for over 20 years. My wife and son left me.
I have no job or income. It is hard to seek justice in such a big country.”

Many netizens posted comments
at the end of his letters.
Gao Anhua wrote: “I was once labeled a ‘criminal
of revealing state secrets’, and was sent to prison.”
He went to the UK afterward,
so the records in China have no impact on him.
He wrote about his experiences in a book,
to redeem his innocence.
Now he encourages Yu to write a book too,
and get justice for himself.
There is no point of spending time and effort
to seek justice from the CCP government, Gao concludes.
