【禁聞】中共官員急移贓 國內拋售國外搶購



加拿大溫哥華 H&R Block 會計師:「因為國內來買房子的人 ,他主要是,一種是投資企業家,另外一部份就是貪官那種,他反正(錢)來的很容易,不是很在乎這個錢的多少,對他來說,錢只是個數字的問題了,投多少都無所謂。」



H&R Block會計師:「他就是都看這種豪宅,對一般的公寓房,他都不是太感興趣的,就是投資比較好的房子。對他來說錢來的太容易了,對貪官的話,他買得起容易,他不用出去,覺得不安全,所以他就投多套,至於投了之後住不住都是另外一回事。」










採訪/劉惠 編輯/張天宇 後製/李月

CCP Officials Rush to Laundry Assets Overseas

Recently, a series of changes in China and overseas’
real estate markets drew attention from the world.
Luxury houses are being sold off
in various parts of China.
On the other hand, customers from China are eagerly
buying properties in the U.S. and Canada.
Meanwhile, U.S. and Canada customs keep catching
Chinese with large amounts of cash, mostly for purchasing real estates, investigations show.
Commentators think these events are due to CCP’ (Chinese
Communist Party) officials rushing to laundry assets abroad.

Recently, U.S. and Canada’ real estate markets
suddenly saw an influx of Chinese investors.
The hurriedness, large quantities and high prices of their
purchases quickly caught the international media’ attention.

Staff, H & R Block, Vancouver, Canada: “Chinese buyers
are mainly investment entrepreneurs and corrupt officials.
Their money come easy. They don’t really care
about the price. To them, money is just a number.”

Canadian media published a statement of a real estate
company’ staff member in Toronto, Canada.
It said, “Some Chinese investors booked 35 apartments
without even coming to take a look.
They looked at the pictures only and signed checks…
and this continues to occur.”
Real estate properties in Florida are almost all sold out
to China’s “rich," and once led to a home purchase’ panic.”

Mr. Wang, Oregon realtor: “Chinese bought many houses.
I myself have many transactions done with them,
and a lot of customers want to buy from me.
But there is not a house on the market.”

H&R Block Staff: “They all look at luxury houses.
They are not interested in plain apartments.
They want good investment. To them money comes so easy.
Corrupt officials do not need to leave China, as it is not safe.
They buy houses. Whether they will live in them or not
is another matter.”

Contrary to U.S. and Canada, large-scale real estate sell-off
happens in various parts of China since the end of last year,
with 60% of the owners using anonymity or pseudonyms.

Beijing’s Economic Observer quoted an internal report
of the Central Committee for Discipline Inspection (CCDI).
It stated, housing information is going to be available online,
with growing demand to declare officials’ properties.
Thus CCP’s local officials
are eager to sell their properties.
Most properties on the market are luxury mansions and villas,
and many belong to public officials or state enterprise CEOs.

Thus, the massive selling in China and fast buying overseas
make obvious the CCP officials’ eagerness to transfer assets.

Li Shanjian, Independent commentator: “There is
a serious gap between the poor and the rich in China.
Especially the degree of corruption is extremely serious.
Many people’s source of money is questionable.
So they want to transfer the assets,
laundry and protect them."

According to U.S. Wall Street Journal, there is a substantial
increase of cases recently, where Chinese carry large amounts of cash through the U.S. and Canada customs.
Most of them want to invest in the real estate market
in the U.S. and Canada.

Mainly former and current Canadian officials responsible
for cross-border financial transactions expressed that Chinese are bringing in more and more cash into Canada.

Li Shanjian thinks in addition to corrupt officials transferring
properties, some Chinese people feel insecure over China’s economic and socio-political situation.
This is another factor leading to capitals’ outflow.

Li Shanjian: “The second reason is that rich people in China,
even without assets issue, are worried about the political and economic prospects in China.
Because the economy as a whole is distorted,
and the division between rich and poor causes instability,
many people cannot see hope in this system, so they want
to find a way-out, they want to find a safe haven!"

CCDI stated that China’s illegal capital outflow has exceeded
$1 trillion in 2012, and will reach $1.5 trillion in 2013.
