【禁聞】民怨沸騰 元旦大陸抗議事件四起




中國憲政學者陳永苗:「 現在的國家領導人,他已經是在一個腐爛鋼鐵大機器裏面一個比較大的螺絲釘,他已經沒有辦法帶動這個大機器的良性循環了。 這國家根本就是沒藥可救了。」




《六四天網》負責人黃琦: 「他們需要向各界說明,在中共大陸民眾的冤苦沒有地方申訴,所以他們不得不採取跳樓、自殺等一切激烈的手法,應該說民眾的這種情況,並不是他們自己願意這樣做的,他們是被逼無奈走上了這條路。」


採訪/朱智善 編輯/張天宇 後製/ 王明宇

China’s Mass Protests Surge During 2013 New Year’s Day Holiday

The rumored “end of the world”
did not happen at the end of 2012.
However, people living under the rule of the
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) seem to have reached the end of their tether.
Why? They face land grabbing and forced
evictions under corrupt CCP officials;
violent enforcement of rule by law
from urban management officers;
and mafia-style interception of petitioners, as well
as repression of protesters by local authorities.
Bloody police-civilian clashes are
incessantly staged nowadays in China.
These harsh realities have now awakened
Chinese people who originally placed a glimmer
of hope in the new CCP leadership changing.

In recent years, hundreds of mass protests
have occurred every day across China.
Incomplete statistics show that in 2010 alone, China saw
180,000 mass protests, with numbers growing yearly.
In 2012, Chinese people’s grievances peaked, oppressed
by high-handed CCP rules and official’s extreme corruption.
Nationwide incidents erupted, including police-civilian
clashes, Tibetan self-immolations, murder of CCP officials,
attacks on police, and mass besieging city halls.

China also saw petitioning involving over 10,000
people, as well as large-scale demonstrations.

Along with the 18th Party Congress being held, Chinese
civilians pinned their last hope on the new CCP leadership
to launch reforms and punish corruption.
However, in reality, the new CCP administration has
quickly put the internet ‘real-name system’ into practice.
Online disclosure of corruption and scandals
involving CCP officials were glossed over.
Thousands of petitioners across China
were arrested during 2013 New Year holiday.
This harsh reality has now forced more Chinese
citizens to join the protests against the CCP tyranny.

Chen Yongmiao: “Now the CCP regime’s leader
is just a big cog in a large rotten machine.
He has no way to make the machine run
smoothly, for the regime is completely incurable.”

During the 2013 New Year’s holiday, over
a dozen mass protests occurred in China.
This included on December 30, when hundreds
of Yunnan villagers protested against local officials.
The local officials were embezzling land-sale revenues,
but protesters were repressed by armed police.
In Hunan, the CCP authorities in Hongjiang
city forced 25,000 farmers to relocate,
to make way for a hydroelectric station project.
Within five days, four farmers committed
suicide to protest against this policy.
In Guangdong, thousands of migrant workers
besieged a police station in Dongguan.
This resulted in a confrontation with hundreds of police.

The mass siege was to seek justice for
a Sichuan migrant worker who was injured
at work, and died due to a delayed rescue.
On New Year’s Day 2013, an urban management
squad in Shaoyang, Hunan province, wounded a driver.
The act outraged thousands of local residents
who smashed a law enforcement vehicle.

Mr. Liu, driver from Hunan: “I have become numb
about such news, for I’ve seen too many already.
It’s the existing political system that victimizes
the public, which finally forms a vicious cycle.
I don’t believe the official touting of anti-corruption at all.
But I believe that all civil servants are all corrupt.
Not one single official is incorruptible in China. I’ve
never listened to its propaganda, I just believe the reality.”

During the New Year holiday period,
nationwide petitioners flocked to Beijing.
They risked being intercepted, arrested,
detained, and even being jailed.
These petitioners simply continued their
petitioning after release from custody.
Some even risked their lives to
defend their own rights and interests.
On January 3, in desperation, an elderly
petitioner from Shaanxi, tried to end his
own life by jumping from Tiananmen Tower.

Huang Qi, Director, China Tianwang Human Rights Service:
“They’re just telling the world that in the CCP-ruled China,
people have no channel to resolve their grievances.

They’re forced to resort to every extreme method,
including jumping from a building or committing suicide.”

Huang Qi says that in their long process of petitioning,
China’s petitioners have finally come to understand a reality.
That is, lots of problems in China are not only
of individuals, but are common to the whole society.
It is the existing social establishment that
has created these problems and conflicts.
Huang Qi reveals that currently, China’s petitioners and
the awakened citizens continue to defend their own rights.
They also attempt to help change the social establishment,
and even to help overthrow the one-party dictatorship.
