【禁聞】無牌警查無牌摩托 廣東警民衝突

【新唐人2012年12月17日訊】 無牌警查無牌摩托 廣東警民衝突




網絡快閃行動 促釋放朱承志 陳克貴









Police Checking License Plates of Motorcycles Have No
License Plate Themselves. Conflict Occurs

On Dec 14th in Longtou town of Guangdong Province,
conflict occurred between residents and police.
Police were checking license plates of motorcycles
while their police car had no license plate.

Epoch Times reported that the local police drove two
police cars without license plates on the afternoon of 14th .
They didn’t show their certificates when they checked
the license plates of motorcycles.
They had conflict with a resident when they tried to take
his motorcycle because it didn’t have a license plate.
People around scolded the police that “they entered people’s
houses without authorization, doing robbery.”

During the conflict, police beat people and grabbed their
cameras when they took pictures.
Over a thousand people joined the fight.

The local authority dispatched a few hundred policemen.
The conflict lasted until night.

Internet Flash Mob to Request Release of
Zhu Zhicheng and Chen Kegui

A mainland Chinese netizen raised a flash mop activity on
Twitter requesting the release of Zhu Chengzhi and Chen Kegui.
He called for people to post “Release Zhu Chengzhi and
Chen Kegui” at the same time and spread the information.
Lots of people have responded and forwarded the post.

Zhu Chengzhi is a rights activist in Shaoyang city of Hunan.

He was detained due to speaking out for Li Wangyang’s “suicide”.
He was punished for “suspicion of inciting subversion.”

Chen Kegui is nephew of blind lawyer Chen Guangcheng.

He defended himself when local officials went to his
house with thugs.
Chen Kegui was sentenced to three years,
three months in Shandong on November 30th.
He is not allowed to appeal. The public
condemned the local authority.

Hong Kong Residents Worry About Article 23

South China Morning Post reported that Zhang Xiaoming,
who supported Hong Kong government to run Article 23,
would take over the director of Liaison Office of the
Central People’s Government.
Zhang emphasized that a high degree of autonomy
is not fully autonomous.
Hong Kong should still complete the legislation of Article 23.

Hong Kong pan-democrat expressed their worries.

They think it’s the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) that
contained HK’s freedom and interfered HK’s autonomy.

Liu Huiqing, vice president of HK Democratic Party,
wrote an open letter “Defend the core values of Hong Kong.”
She appealed to the CCP to keep its promise of
“One country, two systems; a high degree of autonomy;
Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong,”
and not to legislate on Article 23.
