禮節美語223: Body Language (1)

【新唐人2012年11月06日訊】 (美国之音電)

公司主管Andy向銷售部門的Sara和James介紹諮詢顧問Monica. Andy說,

Andy: Both of you are among our company’s top salespeople. But we can always improve, right? I’d like you to meet Vince Wolf…Vince is a business consultant specializing in body language.

Monica: Hello, Sara. Hello, James. It’s great to be here!

Sara: Hello, Vince. You know, I’ve never really considered how body language affects business.

James: I read a book about body language once, but the book mainly discussed how using proper body language can help you get a date.

Monica是商業諮詢師,business consultant, 專長研究body language肢體語言。大家相互認識後,Sara說她從沒覺得肢體語言會對做生意有甚麼影響,James也說,他倒是讀過一本關於肢體語言的書,但那是教讀者如何 get a date 找個約會的對像,date作為名詞,可以指約會,也可以指跟你約會的那個人。Monica聽後說:

Monica: Actually, if you think about it, each time you meet a client you’re asking them to trust you. It’s the same idea when you like someone…you have to make them trust you before they can fall in love with you.

A: You might not think consciously about it, but body language accounts for more than 50% of the message that you’re trying to get across.

Monica: Andy is right. Once you’ve mastered basic body language skills you’ll be surprised at how much more effective you will be. Let’s take the first point: posture. If you walk into a room with your stomach in, your chest out, your shoulders back and your head high, each one of these signals sends a message saying: “I’m in command of this situation. You can trust me."
