















採訪編輯/梁欣 後製/鍾元

Why Taiwanese people do not want “Unity”

Long Yingtai, head of Taiwan Ministry of Culture published a
recent article “Why Taiwanese do not want Unity”.
It said democracy is like food, clothes and homes,
it is implemented in Taiwanese people’s lives.
Yet “for most Taiwanese, it is a lifestyle choice.” Her article
has incited many responses on Mainland websites.
Now let’s take hear what Taiwanese
and Chinese have to say about it.

Long says in the article that Taiwanese are used to
living in a democratic system,
which is implemented through practicality of everyday life.

This year, Long has pointed out the advantages of a
democratic system in many different instances.
“The Wild Fire”, her best selling work in 1985, had a great
impact upon Taiwan’s democratic development in the 『80s.
Many Mainlanders became familiar with her through
this book.

Veteran political commentator Lin Baohua: “She wants to
express sensibly why Taiwanese do not want to unify with China.
I feel habits and lifestyles definitely have something
to do with the [political] system.
Simply, that is freedom, democracy, human rights and
ruled by law.
In one sentence, the two have fundamentally
different systems.”

Lin Baohua expresses, ‘Of Course’
Taiwan does not want to unify with the CCP.

Lin: “In all of Asian society, relatively speaking, Taiwan has
freedom of speech, especially us who work in commentating,
freedom of speech is the most important. Hong Kong is
already worse because it has been controlled by China.”

In “Why Taiwanese do not want Unity”, it said Taiwan
government buildings are open for the public;
completing procedures are smooth; citizens do not need
layers and layers of permission to travel out of the country or advance studies,
no censorship is required before publishing books,
government’s annual budget is posted openly online.

Taiwanese are used to seeing retired officials move out of
official residence, remove their secretary, cancel welfare and special compensation.
Officials step down for making mistakes on policies.

Laws protect people’s rights.
One does not need to bribe to get a hospital bed.

Chen Liyun, Taiwan pharmaceutical representative said:
“The easiest way to put it is: do you want to be your own boss or hope your life is dominated by others?
For example your income or daily life, even in your hobbies and
interests, you hope to be your own boss, or hope someone else controls it, can you then be your own boss?”

Architect Liu from Taipei also believes, to compare from all
angles; geographically, politically, economically and culturally,
that Taiwanese do not want to unify with the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP).

Architect Liu: “We are their state-run media if we unify with
them. Our position is very important, we control the Pacific.
But did it not become a military base, being threatened day
and night?
China’s politics are completely not on track, a position like
Bo Xilai’s allows him to do whatever bad things he wants.
This type of government is completely not trustworthy.

Economically, look at their businessmen, black hearted fools,
they even dare to use bamboo as steel bars for houses.
There is completely no sense of morality.”

The democracy in Taiwan today came from dozens of years
of efforts and the sacrifices of many democratic activists.
Chen Liyun, Taiwan pharmaceutical representative, believes
Taiwanese hope for more democracy and more advancement right now.
Maybe it is something that Mainlanders are unable
to understand.

Chen Liyun: “So, of course we absolutely do not hope to
be like Mainland and say that we are also very democratic.
In reality we are very different. We cannot accept the
tradition of empty slogans.”

Currently, more than 100,000 Mainlanders responded to
this topic online. However, a netizen from Guizhou is skeptical.
He said: “Mainland leaders hope to unify with you under ‘One
Country, Two Systems’ rule and build a strong and prosperous
China together, is this not our common pursuit?
Why insist on pursuing who becomes the leader?”

Long Yingtai says in the article: “Where is the showdown
between Taiwan and China for unity?
The clash between socialism and capitalism?
The conflict between democracy and separatism?
For most Taiwanese, it’s a matter of lifestyle choice,
very specific, not abstract at all.”
