







就在中越兩國在南海問題上爭議升溫的時刻, 中共中央對外聯絡部副部長艾平上星期五對外表示,中國共產黨與越南共產黨之間的友誼是鮮血凝成的,兩國最終能夠找到解決問題的妥善辦法。





美國對南海問題也在密切關注。《美國之音》援引日本共同社報導,美軍第七艦隊的主力航母「華盛頓號」(USS George Washington)12號早晨也突然駛離日本橫須賀基地,開赴西太平洋戒備。航母指揮官勞斯曼(David Lausman)表示,將與太平洋地區各同盟國共同作戰以穩定局勢。





Tension Rises in South China Sea

Tension is escalating over the South China Sea.
On June 13, Vietnam conducted a military exercise
in the disputed area. Philippines also made claims,
renaming the disputed area “West Philippine Sea.”
US aircraft carrier surveyed the area on June 12.
China waded in with vessels and a submarine.
Worries about open conflicts increase.

On Monday Vietnam conducted a live-fire drill
around Hon Ong Island in the South China Sea.
VOA radio reported that the drill lasted 4 hours.
Vietnam Navy revealed that the drill included
canons and other weapons, but not missiles.

Rifts between Vietnam and China are enlarging.
Analysts say Vietnam’s drill is to contain China.

The drill took place 40km from the Vietnam coast,
in an area believed to be rich in oil.

Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei
and Taiwan claim islands in the South China Sea.
The China-Vietnam dispute is the tensest.

The conflict started when Hanoi accused Beijing
of interfering in May with its oil survey ship,
cutting its cables. The incident led to a 2-day
anti-Beijing protest in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh.

Chinese military was mobilized on June 8 and 9,
sending 11 military vessels and one submarine
to the Pacific, passing East China Sea and Japan.
Chinese Defense Ministry said it is a routine drill.

Ai Ping from the International Department
of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP),
said the communist parties in China
and Vietnam have a blood-sealed friendship,
and can find a solution to the current crisis.

George Jan, a China expert and political scientist,
said Ai’s words are a political show.

George Jan: “China wants to put down disputes
over the South China Sea and develop together.
China does not want to discuss sovereignty,
but believes all the disputed islands are China’s.
Not to discuss sovereignty – this is not acceptable
to other countries. Philippines, Malaysia
and Vietnam cannot accept China’s terms.
This is a deadlock that has to be resolved. “

Philippines also claim sovereignty over the area.
VOA radio reported that Philippine President
Aquino III said through his spokesperson
that Philippines has renamed the disputed
Spratly area “West Philippine Sea.”
China calls the area Nansha Islands.

Liu Jianchao, Chinese ambassador to Philippines,
recently invited President Aquino III to China
as a “new friend” to Chinese leaders and people.

The US pays close attention to South China Sea.
VOA said that the US aircraft carrier,
USS George Washington, left its base
in Japan’s Yokosuka for West Pacific on June 12.
The carrier’s Commander David Lausman said
that the carrier’s mission is to stabilize the region.

According to AP, US State Department
Spokesperson Toner said the US doesn’t support
anything that adds to the tension in the area.

How to resolve the conflicts in South China Sea?
George Jan said, “For the long run, in the end,
other countries will probably be forced
to accept China’s terms, putting aside the issue
of sovereignty and focus on development.”

Ma Dingsheng, a Hong Kong military analyst,
said all-out open conflict is not likely in the area.
He said China will not enter into a war
in which the US is certainly involved.

Last July, US Secretary of Sate Hilary Clinton
said in Vietnam at the ASEAN forum that the US
“has a national interest” in the South China Sea.

NTD reporters Li Jing and Li Yue
