





旅美中國社會問題研究人士張健:「根本無需要這樣大張旗鼓的去搞所謂的反間諜, 現在中共的官員他當務之急是人人自保,如何確立在這場政治風暴當中能立於安身不敗之地, 所以他們 用這種方式來表達出來的東西,其實跟做這個事情應該是沒有關係,都是明哲保身這樣一個態度吧。」

美國紐約城市大學政治學教授夏明:「令計劃在被完全拉下馬之前,已經瘋傳他有各種問題了,結果他在《求是》雜誌上發了一篇長篇的專論,給習近平說了很多讚美的話,當時人們就認為令計劃已經平安著陸了, 之後一個月不到,令計劃受到雙規,後來被司法處理。 所以邱進發一篇文章,並不能說明他真正的會有平安著陸的定論。」


張健:「是有這樣一個闢謠的作用,證明邱進這個本人目前還沒有事,外界謠傳的不是真實的,但是 高官想要闢謠的話,人民日報或者新華日報 整個的報紙每天登闢謠的都登不過來,那麼為甚麼邱進可以登,李進就不可以登,王進不可以登,足以證明這個人 後臺和中宣部門的後臺還是有直接的關係的。」




夏明:「邱進能夠把王立軍給說服、給帶出來、帶到北京,其中原因在於邱進在周永康面前是能夠說起話的人,當時周永康遇到這麼大的一個麻煩, 當然要派他自己最能幹的心腹把這個事情解決,所以如果邱進出現問題的話,我相信不會出現太大的意外。」




採訪/朱智善 編輯/陳潔 後製/蕭宇

Chinese Regime’s Media Refutes Rumour Surrounding

Deputy Minister Of National Security Qiu Jin

Chinese Communist Party (CCP) media recently published an

article written by the Deputy Minister of

National Security Qiu Jin.

As stated previously, there were rampant rumours that Qiu Jin

has met with trouble, some foreign media believed that the

publication of this article was intended to

dispel these rumours.

However, according to analysis, Qiu Jin is closely linked to

Zhou Yongkang, the former secretary of Central Politics

and Law Commission.

Therefore, following the example of Ling Jihua, the former

minister of CCP United Front Work Department who was

recently brought down, Qiu Jin may not be safe.

On Feb. 12, on page 14 of the CCP paper “People’s Daily",

was a half-page article regarding the “Espionage Act"

written by Deputy Minister of National Security Qiu Jin.

The article claimed that foreign espionage and intelligence

agencies pose a serious threat to the security and interests

of the Communist regime and it called for public support and

cooperation with counterintelligence work.

The article also mentioned that the “Espionage Act" was

formally promulgated by the President, Xi Jinping

on Nov. 1 of last year.

It is the first specialized legislation that safeguards

national security and also the first legislation that

strengthens and standardizes counter intelligence measures.

One must therefore properly study and implement

this important law.

American resident, Chinese social problem researcher

Zhangjiang believes that this article was written to display

loyalty to Xi Jinping.

Zhangjian: There is really no need to create so much hype

around the so called “Espionage Act".

Nowadays, the CCP officials’ first priority is

self-preservation, on ensuring that they will not be caught in

the political storm.

Therefore, what they are truly trying to express actually

has nothing to do with this.

They are just trying to preserve themselves.

Professor of political science at City University of New York,

Xiaming: Before Ling Jihua was completely toppled, there

were already piles of rumours circulating around that he

had various problems.

Therefore, he published a long monograph in Qiushi

magazine that canonized Xi Jinping.

At that time, everyone thought he was safe.

But it wasn’t even a month before Ling Jihua was detained

and interrogated and subsequently brought to court.

Therefore just because Qiu Jin published an article does not

mean that he is safe.

British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) Chinese network said

that the purpose of this article by People’s Daily

was to “dispel rumours".

Prior to this, there are very few high ranking officials from

the National Security department who publish articles

or attend public activities.

Zhangjian: It dispels rumours and shows that Qiu Jin is still

alright as of now.

The external rumours are not true.

But if all the high officials want to refute rumours, there

will not be enough editorial space even if People’s Daily and

Xinhua Daily were to devote their entire papers every day.

But why can only Qiu Jin publish, but Li Jin and

Wang Jin cannot?

This shows that this person has direct connections

with the Propaganda department.

In mid January, there were foreign Chinese media that quoted

sources from the Beijing political circle that Qiu Jin was

brought away by the Central Commission for Discipline

Inspection on Jan. 16.

The report also mentioned that the CCDI has already

inspected Qiu Jin for a long time.

As a core member of the Zhou Yongkang, Ling Jihua interest

group, Qiu Jin’s arrest is a matter of time.

Qiu Jin, who is 60 years old this year, gained renown during

the “Wang Lijun" incident that occurred in February 2012.

In that incident, former Chongqing Municipal Public Security

Bureau Chief Wang Lijun slipped into the US Consulate in

Chengdu where he stayed for one day before being brought back

to Beijing for investigation by Qiu Jin.

“Der Post" once revealed that when Qiu Jin went to see

Wang Lijun, he brought a secret letter from Zhou Yongkang,

then secretary of the Central Politics and Law Commission.

In it Wang Lijun was promised that his official rank would not

be affected, he would not be subject to legal action, and that

he still had a career in politics.

Xia Ming: Qiu Jin could persuade Wang Lijun and bring him

back to Beijing because Qiu Jin is someone whose words

carry weight in front of Zhou Yongkang.

When Zhou Yongkang encountered such a big problem,

he will of course send his most trusted aid to resolve it.

Therefore, if Qiu Jin gets into trouble, there will not be too

great a consequence.

The professor of political science also said that the National

Security Department of the CCP was deeply embroiled in a

power struggle within the high ranks of the CCP.

Xiaming: The National Security is embroiled in many

struggles between the high ranking leaders within the CCP.

During the era of Zhou Yongkang, people like Wang Lijun

frequently use all sorts of listening, tracking devices and

other irregular techniques to spy or to bring down

high ranking leaders.

They also assist various forces from overseas.

Therefore, one can say that the National Security is deeply

involved in this power struggle.

On Jan. 16, the website of the CCDI’s supervisory department

released news that the Vice Minister of CCP State Security

Department Ma Jian was alleged to have seriously violated

the law and is currently undergoing investigation.

Analysis pointed out that Ma Jian’s fall gave Xi Jinping the

information to take complete control over the

national security system.

Interview/Zhu Zhishan Edit/ChenJie Post-Production/XiaoYan
