







Dec. 18, Thursday

Quit CCP Statements

Despite the ever increasing control of the media,

CCP’s propaganda credibility has dropped further.

The Chinese are also reflecting on the true essence

of Communism.

Let’s see what they have said about it.

Ying Zi from Hunan Province on behalf of a total 38 people

to quit the Young Pioneers

The statement said:

With a semi-forced situation, out of confusion,

we joined the Communist Youth League

and the Young Pioneers of the CCP.

Although pro forma, over time it has brought us

substantial damage.

We have been taught the knowledge, philosophy

and value of communism,

but it was a theory completely spurned by the world.

Lies and violence are the means of communism.

Killing and obscurantism are the norm

in the communist society.

The true essence of communism is to make people ignorant,

no reflection of the nature of life, to drift along,

and indulge in vices.

It actually accomplished the most disastrous effect

above all cults.

It is a disaster of the Chinese nation.

We withdraw from it to rescue our mind.

It is the best remedy to save Chinese society.

An Gi wrote on behalf of three:

We work in a large state-owned enterprise.

We have been indoctrinated with the deceiving

party propaganda and education.

We were shocked when we learnt the truth.

Behind the false propaganda of the Communist Party

are the demon’s acts.

We firmly withdraw from all of its organizations.

We will not be its grave goods when gods diminish the CCP.
