【禁聞】中紀委首進核心部門 監督機制引憂
















採訪編輯/劉惠 後製/葛雷

Central Anti-Corruption Inspection Teams Now Stationed in 7 Core Sectors

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) recently had its Central Discipline Inspection Commission (CDIC) send inspection teams to monitor and investigate 7 central level organizations. It’s the first time the CCP has done this. But it also caused worries in society. Comments say the current anti-corruption method of the CCP has had some effect. However since the high level officials of the CCP have had no supervision, who can monitor them if there’s corruption?

On Dec. 11, the CCP issued a plan to dispatch inspection teams to 7 central level sections. These included the Central Office, Station Council, National People’s Congress, Central Organization Department; Central Propaganda Department, Central United Front Work, and, The office of Chinese peoples’ Political Consultative Conference. The inspection is to supervise the communist leaders of those organizations, the plan says. The inspection teams will cover the entire central organizations of the party and state.

It’s the first time in CCP history that the CDIC has sent an inspection team to party departments, NPC sectors, and the CPPCC sectors. The inspection teams are directly instructed by the CDIC. All important discoveries will be reported to the CDIC. The CDIC will confirm the issues of the reported leaders, and receives reports and complaints to staff in the offices.

Huang Jinqiu, director of Asian News Weekly, “It’s effective in the short term, but it can’t establish a long term anti-corruption mechanism. The CCP has been lacking a supervised environment, and there’s a lot of room for abuse of power. Would the inspection team officials collude with leaders in those core sectors? What if the inspection organization is corrupt? What if the secretary of the CDIC is corrupt? How could [president] Xi Jinping guarantee his successor would be as determined to fight against corruption as him? It’s impossible."

Party media reported that from over 140 party and state organizations, the central inspection teams have stationed in 60, including the newly inspected 7 core sectors.

The new plan is to establish authority of the CDIC’s inspection teams. The plan says inspection teams and stationed organizations is to supervise and being supervised. The inspection teams gives instruction and inspection to the stationed organizations and the units under them.

The inspection team managers are allowed to participate in leadership meetings of the inspected sectors. They are allowed to review all the documents, financial accounts etc. of the inspected sectors with permissions. They can also inspect and investigate material from leaders. The inspected sectors must unconditionally accept all comments and suggestions made by the inspection teams. The inspection team manager can also interview every cadre at management level of all departments.

Official suicides often happened after interviews by the CDIC during the previous anti-corruption campaign.

Huang Jinqiu, “The CDIC is not a judicial body. It can directly take an official away, removing his freedom. Is it not applying the rule of law? Of course, we can’t demand perfection, but for long term, I hope Mr. Xi Jinping and Mr. Wang Qishan can truly think from the vantage point of the state, to include anti-corruption in the national legal system. The party can’t take place of the nation and the law."

Huang indicated that to realize institutional anti-corruption, China must have press freedom and democratic mechanism.

Chen Minghui, mainland Chinese political commentator, “In the future, if China becomes a normal healthy country with democracy and liberal constitutionalism, corruption won’t be a big issue. It must completely eliminate the persecution of human rights, of faith groups, and democratic dissidents. Only then, can China have the foundation to have a bright future."

Chen believes that the inspection of the CCP’s top level organizations is part of the struggle between Xi and Jiang.

Political commentator Xia Xiaoqiang told U.S. based Epoch Times that the main targets of the plan are the National People’s Congress and the Propaganda department. The rest are just add-ons. CCP Politburo Standing Committee members Zhang Dejiang and Liu Yunshan control the NPC and the Propaganda Department, which are major organizations under Jiang’s faction to fight against Xi Jinping.

Huang pointed out that the CCP top level has always lacked supervision, and the corruption is certainly serious. But the anti-corruption campaign inside the party can’t work unless citizens can participate to provide outside supervision.

Interview & Edit/LiuHui Post-production/GeLei
