【禁聞】中共國信辦 要將「五毛」變大V?


【新唐人2014年11月05日訊】日前,掌管中國互聯網新聞審查和監督的中共「國家互聯網信息辦公室」(國信辦 ),在蘇州舉行了一場名為「依法辦好網站,講好中國故事」的座談會,身為「國信辦 」副主任的任賢良,在會上表態,要把五毛扶植為網路大V。

「五毛黨」是中國的特色產物之一,主要任務是讚美黨、為黨辯護,隨時在網路上發貼以干擾正常的信息傳播和交流。不過,一直受到外界批評的「五毛黨」,可能要大翻身了。中共「國信辦 」副主任任賢良在11月1號的網絡座談會上表示,要扶植這些「五毛黨」為網路大V。
















採訪/田淨 編輯/黃億美 後製/郭敬

Turning the 50-Cent Party Into An Online Opinion Maker?

The Chinese Internet censorship and monitoring agency,

National Internet Information Office (NIIO), recently hosted

an “Operating Websites Well According to Laws

and Telling Chinese Stories Well” workshop in Suzhou.

NIIO deputy director, Ren Xianliang said in the workshop

that he would help 50-Cent Party members become popular

online bloggers.

The 50-Cent Party is a Chinese specialty.

Its main mission is to praise the Chinese Communist Party

(CCP), defend the CCP’s policies, and publish posts

to interfere with the normal dissemination and interchange

of information on the Internet anytime.

However, the long-criticized 50-Cent Party may have a good

turnaround, as the NIIO deputy director Ren Xianliang said

in the Internet Workshop that he would help the 50-Cent

to become an online significant known as “Big V”.

Ren Xianliang stressed that to “tell Chinese stories well,”

the most important thing is to adhere to the so-called

principle of “operating the website well according to laws,”

and to finally achieve “shaping public opinion.”

Former Hebei People’s Radio Editor Zhu Xinxin: “In terms

of the so-called ‘telling stories well,’ cultivating tens

of thousands of people to tell stories based on their true voice

and free will is totally different from just saying something

based on the CCP’s caliber.”

Ren Xianliang also stressed that the website should enhance

topic creation and organizational planning, so as to control

the initiative and dominance, and not to be controlled

by some Big Vs.

He added that the Party should cultivate and promote

its own online Big Vs and opinion leaders.

Blog writer Jing Chu: “What he mentioned is that we should

follow the CCP’s instruction, keep pace with the Party,

deceive the people along with the CCP, let people see

something impractical, and not let them have true information.

As a result, nowadays the Internet poses a tremendous impact

on them, and they try to come up with something to control

the Internet effectively.”

Zhu Xinxin explained that as long as the Chinese regime

wants to shape public opinion, the intention itself is illegal,

as it infringes upon freedom of speech, and misrepresents

the public opinion, as it fails to reflect the people’s true voice.

Shaping public opinion as mentioned by the CCP

is in fact controlling public opinion.

Zhu Xinxin: “The propaganda they are having now

is seemingly different from those adopted during the Mao era.

On the surface, they seem to be very natural, very real, very

professional, and economic-oriented, but in fact, they are

inherited from the tactics adopted during Maoist era,

i.e. forcible indoctrination and propaganda.”

Ren Xianliang seemed to deliberately honor

the name of the 50-Cent Party.

CCP General Secretary Xi Jinping recently spoke highly

of two 50-Centy Party members, who becqme popular

all of a sudden.

Zhou Xiaoping, for instance, being praised by Xi in a recent

workshop has suddenly turned

the 50-Cent Party the major “polar” of the CCP.

However, Zhou Xiaoping was quickly exposed by netizens.

Zhou, once the vice president of China’s Baike.net,

was arrested for a website involving a pornographic scandal.

Nevertheless, Zhou Xiaoping relevant in the regime.

Analysts pointed out that it is clear to the CCP that online

writers such as Zhou Xiaoping who have 500,000 fans

can do a better job than any traditional channels

to effectively promote the CCP.

Zhu Xinxin: “Under the CCP’s one-party authoritarian

ideology, no matter how much or how wonderful stories

are told on the surface, there is absolutely

no positive energy;

as they would be nothing but a synonym for a lie.”

In 2011 when the Southern Weekly New Year Message

incident occurred, Ren Xianliang was then deputy director

of the Publicity Department of Shaanxi.

In an article he stressed the basic principle of the CCP’s

controlling the media and public opinion can “only

be strengthened, but not relaxed”.

At that time, Ren Xianliang recommend the publicity organs

to “transform, nurture, and cultivate” opinion leaders

who abide by the CCP policies to influence

and lead public opinion.

Three years later, Ren was promoted to deputy director

of NIIO and his article became the nationwide Internet

supervising policy.

Comedian actor Zhao Benshan is another big 50-Cent.

He doesn’t seem to be as lucky as Zhou Xiaoping.

Having been popular in Chinese literature circles for over

20 years, he was not invited to the literary work forum

presided over by Xi Jinping.

Jing Chu: “Just like the then Red Guards who were utilized

by Mao Zedong for revolt, after the goal was achieved,

all of them would be driven away.”

Though Zhao Benshan has mobilized other artists close

to him to follow the spirit of the literary forum

in a high-profile manner, still he hasn’t won much

appreciation by the regime.

Interview/TianJing Edit/Huang Yimei Post-Production/GuoJing
