

【新唐人2014年10月31日訊】烏克蘭日前舉行議會大選,這是自前總統亞努科維奇(Viktor Yanukovych)今年2月被推翻以來,烏克蘭首次舉行的重要選舉。共產黨在這次選舉中大敗,並第一次被踢出議會。







事實上,7月25號早上10點,烏克蘭第7屆議會才剛開始進行,議長圖爾奇諾夫(Aleksandr Turchynov)就以共產黨黨團出席人數過少為由,立即宣佈解散議會中的共產黨黨團。





加拿大總理哈珀(Stephen Harper)也在5月底舉行的建造共產主義受害者紀念碑籌款晚宴上指出,共產主義是最致命的思想瘟疫。





採訪/陳漢 編輯/陳潔 後製/鍾元

The Communists Flops in Ukrainian Parliament for the First Time

Ukraine has just experienced a parliamentary election

since former President Viktor Yanukovych was overthrown

in February of this year.

The Communist Party flopped and it is the first time the Party

has been kicked out of parliament.

The Ukrainian Communist Party lost its parliamentary seat

for failing to pass the threshold of the 5% vote on 26th.

Ukrainian media reported that this is the first time the CPU

and left-wing forces were ousted from Ukraine parliament.

President of the Ukraine Poroshenko said, that because of the crimes

it committed in the past and present,

the Communist Party has no right to remain on the political horizon

in the Ukraine,

and that the Communist Party of Ukraine must exit in to history,

not by presidential decree or by decision of the Verkhovna Rada

nor by any judgment of the court.

Commentator Ren Baiming: “Since the disintegration of Eastern Europe

communist countries,

communism has collapsed and the Lenin statues have been pulled down.

Ukrainian people in particular, have endured the harsh pain from the

communist ruling for many years.

They have a deep lying sorrow concerning the evil nature

of Communism."

VOA Chinese reported that the Ukraine’s often see the Communist

Party as the spokes party for Russia.

Local media have repeatedly reported the luxurious life style

of the Communist leaders.

For instance, Ukrainian Communist leader Petro Simonenko,

lives in a magnificent country house in Spain,

and often takes vacations with his wife in the Western countries,

which he often criticizes.

Freelance writer Liu Yiming: “The defeat of the Communist Party

of Ukraine is a direct consequence of its poor efficiency.

No state in the world ruled by the Communists have ever really come

to great power in the world.

For instance, China is fairly poor in social aspects when compared

to the developed Western countries."

In fact, Ukrainian Parliamentary Speaker Oleksandr Turchynov,

announced the dissolution of the Communist Party of Ukraine

[as a parliamentary party] from the Verkhovna Rada (Ukraine’s Parliament)

of its seventh convocation on July 24.

Due to this, parliamentary party members were significantly

less than the minimum requirement for parliamentary parties.

Turchynov called the event ‘historic’, according to a Censor.net report.

“I hope that Communist factions in the Ukrainian parliament will never

exist again." he added.

His words won a cheering standing ovation.

On the same day, the Kiev District Administrative Court, began

hearing the justice minister’s application for the banning of the CPU.

Outside the court, crowds cheered and called for the trashing of the CPU

and fascist communism.

In the past year, about 160 monuments of Lenin were

dismantled throughout the Ukraine.

‘Voice of America’ also reported that Ukraine Parliament Member Bondarchuk,

said that banning the Communist ideology was necessary,

because it was against humanity and had caused unprecedented

harm to the people of the Ukraine.

At a fundraiser in late May for a monument to communist victims,

Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper,

indicated, that communism’s poisonous ideology and ruthless

practices, slowly bled into countries around the world

on almost every continent.

Ren Baiming: “Since the editorial series of the Epoch Times

‘Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party’,

the evil nature of Communism has been clearly pointed out for 10 years.

In fact, the Communist way is against the universe.

This devil of a system has created tremendous disasters in the human

world for the past 100 years."

Commentator Shi Ming pointed out, the first 30 years of CCP ruling,

man-made disasters have killed more

than 80 million Chinese people,

and the latter 30 years were even more inhumane.

Tiananmen Square became the massacre field in 1989,

and butchers turned against the Falun Gong in 1999 whilst

forcibly harvesting organs from living people, the never seen before

evil on this earth.

If there’s ever a referendum to ban the Communist regime,

the majority of Chinese people will vote in favor.

Ren Baiming: “The CCP is the only one who continues

its communist outfit.

Other smaller Communist regimes such as Vietnam are

in their transition.

In fact, Communism has come to its last days.

Nearly 200 million Chinese have denounced the CCP.

This is a concrete manifestation of public opinion."

It is reported that between the United States and Europe, many

recognize communism as a lethal ideology, and the Ukraine

banned the Communist Party in parliament.

On top of that, the Umbrella Revolution in Hong Kong

and the wave of Chinese denouncing the Communist Party

and its associated organizations,

the trend of abandoning Communism is growing ever

stronger in the world of today.

Interview/ChenHan Edit/ChenJie Post-Production/ZhongYuan
