




撐佔中被捕 韓穎律師被拘見






Let’s take a look at the recent human rights activities.

Tens-of-thousands Protest Against City Merger—Guizhou

Tens-of-thousands of people protested on the streets

in Sansui County, Guizhou, against the government’s

“Merge the Counties to Build the City” campaign,

which is seen as an excuse to buy up cheap land.

The merged administrative center of the city is located in

a neighboring county, which is against villagers’ interests.

Authorities deployed thousands of police to violently

suppress the protesters, injuring and hospitalizing at least

a dozen; two students have been killed and many arrested,

according to Internet news.

The county government has announced that the plan to

merge the three counties has been postponed.

Arrested for Supporting Occupy Central, Lawyer Visit Denied

Beijing human rights activist Han Ying was arrested

for supporting Occupy Central.

Her lawyer Wang Yu visited the Fengtai Detention Center

where Han Ying was held on Oct. 13 with a request to meet,

but was refused and had to submit a complaint.

Wuhu Property Owners Beaten and Arrested by Police

Oct. 12—Property owners of Yunding International

in Wuhu City, Anhui, protested against fraud by developers,

who did not build a school district room as promised.

Police beat the protesters and at least two owners

have been arrested.

Violence and Abuse—Poyang Urban Management Staff

Recently, a video called, “Violent law enforcement

and assault of women by Poyang urban management staff "

is being spread on the Internet, attracting hot discussions.

A video publisher said on Oct. 9 that she and her husband

were assaulted by a dozen urban management staff

and were injured, when they were moving some flowers

from their shop.

Poyang authorities have confirmed that the video content

is true and the staff involved are under investigation.
