







10月8號,湖北省咸寧、黃岡、荊門、荊州、孝感、襄陽、武漢等地區,上千名被辭退的民辦代課教師 ,齊聚湖北省教育廳維權,要求當局解決養老保障問題。漢川的一位教師說,現場有教師帶了農藥過來,如果維權不成,準備喝藥自殺。




Human Rights Activities on October 9, 2014.

Let’s take a look at today’s Human Rights Activities

The arrest of many villagers defending their rights triggered

thousands of people from Guzhangtou Village, Xiongzhou

Township in Hebei Province to surround Xiong County

Public Security Bureau asking for release of villagers.

However, they did not get any response.

Early on Oct. 8, villagers took to the streets with banners

and marched to Beijing to ask for justice.

The local government sent a large number of police

to intercept them along the way.

Dozens of villagers made it to Beijing to petition.

On Oct. 9, thousands of villagers from Guzhuangtou Village

still went to the Public Security Bureau to ask for justice.

People Surround The Government in Hebei Province

Dozens of real estate developers of Handan City, Hebei

Province collectively left due to their inability to repay high

interest private loans resulting in decline of local house prices

and a large number of unfinished buildings.

On Oct. 8, thousands of victims wanted their money returned

and went to the Handan Municipal government compound.

They held banners and blocked the road in front of the

government compound.

There were a large number of police guarding the scene.

Private School Students Defend Their Rights

in Hubei Province

On Oct. 8, thousands of dismissed private school substitute

teachers from Xianning, Huanggang, Jingmen, Jingzhou,

Xiaogan, Xiangyang, Wuhan and other regions in Hubei

gathered at Hubei Province Department of Education.

They wanted the authorities to solve their pension problem.

A teacher in Huanzhou said that some brought pesticide

with them, ready to commit suicide if their efforts fail.

300 Teachers from Yongcheng City High Schools

Defend Their Rights

On the same day, 300 high school teachers from Yongcheng

City, Henan Province went to the Government to protest at

the delayed overtime payments.

They asked schools to pay teachers medical insurance and

housing fund on time, and publish schools’ financial status.

The teachers began the strike one day earlier.

