【禁聞】維族學者被判無期徒刑 輿論譁然


【新唐人2014年09月24日訊】維族學者被判無期徒刑 輿論譁然

北京維族學者伊力哈木•土赫提(Ilham Tohti),9月23號,被新疆烏魯木齊中級法院以「分裂國家」的罪名,判處無期徒刑,剝奪政治權利終身,並沒收個人全部財產。








香港罷課學生 要求與梁正英對話






Public Outcry over Life Sentence for Uyghur Scholar

On Sept. 23, Uyghur scholar Ilham Tohti was sentenced to life imprisonment, deprived of political rights for life

and has had all of his personal property confiscated on charges

of “separatism" by Urumqi Intermediate People’s Court.

The announcement has triggered global public outcry.

Mainland Chinese activists closely watching his case all posted

online, criticizing the sentence as “shameless" political revenge.

Tibet scholar Wang Lixiong posted on Twitter that day, saying

“the authorities have created a Uyghur Nelson Mandela."

A Quanzhou, Fujian, netizen with the alias, “A Live Pig"

questioned: “How can you sentence a reasonable person?

Do you only understand guns thundering?”

Voices in the international community

have also condemned the sentence.

Human rights group Amnesty International

says the sentence is “an affront to justice".

The EU says that there is no reason for the Chinese Communist

Party (CCP)’s sentence on Tohti.

The China director Sophie Richardson at Human Rights Watch

said, “Tohti has consistently, courageously and unambiguously

advocated peacefully for greater understanding and dialogue."

“If this is Beijing’s definition of ‘separatist’ activities,

it’s hard to see tensions in Xinjiang

and between the communities decreasing"

The World Uyghur Congress spokesman Dilshat Rexit says the

Uyghurs who had held hope and uncertainty toward the CCP

feel thoroughly disappointed in it after Tohti’s heavy sentence.

Tohti, who was an economist at Minzu University of China,

was widely considered as a moderate critic.

He advocated improving communication

between Uyghur and Han Chinese in Xinjiang.

In 2006, he founded the Uyghur Online website

and often defended the Uyghur rights on it.

He has publicly questioned the CCP’s high pressure policy

on Xinjiang.

Hong Kong Strike Students Demand Dialogue with Leung Chun-ying

Hong Kong university students’ are now into the second day

of their week-long strike.

The students went to the government to request dialogue with

Hong Kong Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying, and warned

that if there was no dialogue within forty-eight hours,

they would upgrade their protest.

Daiyao Ting implied that occupy central would begin on Oct. 1

On the same day, Hong Kong Occupy Central founder,

University of Hong Kong Associate Professor of Law

Benny Tai Yiu-ting, also invited people on Facebook.

He said that the day while other people are celebrating

the national holiday, they will provide a feast for Hong Kong

democracy in Central on the day.

“We welcome all people who support democracy

and are willing to work for it."

Observers say that this could be the first clear hint from

Tai that the Occupy Central activity will begin on Oct. 1.

Edit/Zhou Yulin
